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Problem with SQL Restore

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Feb 6, 2002
I,ve this problem:

[2660] Start time Mon Feb 09 04:40:39 2004
[2660] Computer Name: MIV-DB2 User Name: Administrator
[2660] System Version: 5.0 Build 2195 Service Pack 4
[2660] Microsoft Data Access Component(MDAC) version: 2.71.9040.2
[2660] Microsoft SQL Server version (from registry) : 8.00.194
[2660] Local host has following SQL Server online:
[2660] MSSQL server : MIV-SQL
[2660] Use Legato Networker Server : bck-roma
[2660] Legato Networker Server Version: NetWorker 6.1.4.Build.562 Power Edition/110
[2660] nsrexecd.exe Version: 6.1.4.Build.562
[2660] nsrsqlrc.exe Version: Supporting SQL 7.0 and SQL 2000
[2660] Command line:
[2660] nsrsqlrc -s bck-roma -c miv-sql.dcb.telecomitalia.it -I -
[2660] SQL Connection to MIV-SQL is created. SQL Server Version is 08.00.0760
[2660] Recovering database 'data_intrasales_clienti' ...
[2660] RESTORE database [data_intrasales_clienti] FROM virtual_device='Legato#68a9cf42-b0a9-4e4b-828a-6517bd0508e4' WITH replace, stats, norecovery
[2660] RESTORE database [data_intrasales_clienti] from virtual_device='Legato#3b2866f1-70e8-47a1-8c33-bb3ee4cf4787' (differential)
[2660] [2660] Microsoft SQL Server Provider error:
G:\rb_nwmsql_3_1_1\nsr\db_apps\bsmsql\nsrsqlado.cpp(1854): ExecuteFailed event arrived.
[2660] [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Cannot apply the backup on device 'Legato#3b2866f1-70e8-47a1-8c33-bb3ee4cf4787' to database 'data_intrasales_clienti'..
[2660] [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]RESTORE DATABASE is terminating abnormally..
[2660] Thread 3340 exited with status 2304.
[2660] Completion time Mon Feb 09 04:55:52 2004

I 've only restored last full backup but not the differential

Thanks in advance for help

Hi Roberto,

I got exactly the same, full Backup is recoverable, recovery of an incremental Backup hangs, at the end. Please keep me in mind, once You find the solution.

Regards spaceball
Hi Roberto,
Could You please provide me whith some more detailed DB information? Please use the MS SQL query-analyser and connect to the DB by using the "sa" user.
Than do a

select @@version

please post the output.

Regards spaceball
SQL DB do not backup generally without modules as they are in use, you need to create dump directory to backup, usaully db will backup full even when incremental is specified.
I suspect that db was not backed up while db services are running
Hi Roberto,

I encounter same problem at our customer.

NW User for SQL restored full backup without problem, subsequent differential backup stopped with same error like your restore.

Problem was another backup made by MS SQL tools - scheduled Database Maintenance plan with full backup to file.

Database was backed up on weekend at full level by Networker, then full backup by MS SQL server tools, then daily level 1 (differential) backup by Networker, incremental (log) backups every hour.

Differential backup was inconstintent because it depend on fullbackup made by MS SQL tools and not on fullbackup made by Networker. When Networker started recover of differential saveset, it fails at beginning when SQL server backup API get unexpected data.

Incremental backups was fortunately consistent, so i deleted differential savesets from media and index DB (nsrmm -d -S ssid...), then recover was successfull - Networker recovered fullbackup and then replayed log (incremental) backups.

Recommendation is - do not backup SQL data by MS SQL tools when you backup by Networker SQL module.


in fact the problem was that my customer had made other full backups without NW module and so the NW module differential backup with module was in relationship with these.

Thanks to everybody

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