I have this rather exotic scenario to test:
| Internet |
| ISA Server w. |
| SMTP Filtering |
| Bordernet
| Router |
| Intranet[/tt]
This network design itself is not excotic. SMTP Filtering is configured and when external e-mails arrive at ISA Server they are checked and i not breaking any SMTP Filter rules, relayed to the internal mail server using DNS-Server.
The problem is, the customer want's to have the internal mail server use the ISA Server to send mails too.
I have set properties of the SMTP-Connector of the internal mail server to forward all mail through a smart host.
This works fine too.
But then my problems start:
[ul][li]is it true, that I have to define every domain on the Default SMTP Server Service, to which they are allowed to send e-mails? Because if i do not, I will get the error message that I am not allowed to relay to that domain specific domain.[/li]
[li]Also, I see no DNS lookup from the ISA Server when e-mails are sent outbound. Each domain defined under Default SMTP Server Service are set to use DNS. When I send from outside, i see DNS lookups to the internal DNS Server.[/li][/ul]
I might as well have overlooked something vital, but at this point, i do not see what....
Any one out there maybe?
| Internet |
| ISA Server w. |
| SMTP Filtering |
| Bordernet
| Router |
| Intranet[/tt]
This network design itself is not excotic. SMTP Filtering is configured and when external e-mails arrive at ISA Server they are checked and i not breaking any SMTP Filter rules, relayed to the internal mail server using DNS-Server.
The problem is, the customer want's to have the internal mail server use the ISA Server to send mails too.
I have set properties of the SMTP-Connector of the internal mail server to forward all mail through a smart host.
This works fine too.
But then my problems start:
[ul][li]is it true, that I have to define every domain on the Default SMTP Server Service, to which they are allowed to send e-mails? Because if i do not, I will get the error message that I am not allowed to relay to that domain specific domain.[/li]
[li]Also, I see no DNS lookup from the ISA Server when e-mails are sent outbound. Each domain defined under Default SMTP Server Service are set to use DNS. When I send from outside, i see DNS lookups to the internal DNS Server.[/li][/ul]
I might as well have overlooked something vital, but at this point, i do not see what....
Any one out there maybe?