Magix 2.2 V7.2
I have a non-DID ext. in the copy room that needs 2 shared sys acc buttons and the phone is a 4406 D+. I originally had problems adding the sharsysacc button so i made them cover buttons. Customer didn't like, so i tried changing it to sysacc buttons again and it worked instead of saying "Programming Error"! Very wierd...and it turns out that the shasysacc buttons are not even working and they are set to immediate ring...Does anyone have an idea as to why these buttons aren't functioning like they should? Any help is greatly appreciated..
I have a non-DID ext. in the copy room that needs 2 shared sys acc buttons and the phone is a 4406 D+. I originally had problems adding the sharsysacc button so i made them cover buttons. Customer didn't like, so i tried changing it to sysacc buttons again and it worked instead of saying "Programming Error"! Very wierd...and it turns out that the shasysacc buttons are not even working and they are set to immediate ring...Does anyone have an idea as to why these buttons aren't functioning like they should? Any help is greatly appreciated..