On a 2008 R2 Standard server I created a folder d:\data\userhome. Domain users have no NTFS access to this folder. I share the folder as \servername\userhome, everyone has Full Control on the share.
Within this folder I created all the users home directories ( eg. d:\data\userhome\firstlast ). Each user has full control on his own home-dir. Purpose is to give everyone access to their own folder, but none to the home-folders of others.
In AD Users and Computers - Users - Username - Properties - Profile - Homefolder I declared a drive F: connecting to d:\data\userhome\%username% ( in my example d:\data\username\firstlast ). By the way, that's how I created the home-drives : by creating the users and defining the home folder here.
When I log on to a Win XP PC ( SP3 + all the latest security updates ) I see in 'My Computer' the F-drive.
This is where it becomes odd : sometimes I see 'firstlast in servername\userhome'(F) and everything works fine. Sometimes I see 'userhome on servername' (F) , to which I have no access ( this is normal, see above ) and I can't access my home-drive.
Any idea where it goes wrong ? Why does on the PC the F-drive sometimes points to \servername\userhome\%username% ( = OK ) and sometimes to \servername\userhome ( = not OK ) ?
In the event logs of the PC or server I see nothing special.
Thanks to all who can help me.
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On a 2008 R2 Standard server I created a folder d:\data\userhome. Domain users have no NTFS access to this folder. I share the folder as \servername\userhome, everyone has Full Control on the share.
Within this folder I created all the users home directories ( eg. d:\data\userhome\firstlast ). Each user has full control on his own home-dir. Purpose is to give everyone access to their own folder, but none to the home-folders of others.
In AD Users and Computers - Users - Username - Properties - Profile - Homefolder I declared a drive F: connecting to d:\data\userhome\%username% ( in my example d:\data\username\firstlast ). By the way, that's how I created the home-drives : by creating the users and defining the home folder here.
When I log on to a Win XP PC ( SP3 + all the latest security updates ) I see in 'My Computer' the F-drive.
This is where it becomes odd : sometimes I see 'firstlast in servername\userhome'(F) and everything works fine. Sometimes I see 'userhome on servername' (F) , to which I have no access ( this is normal, see above ) and I can't access my home-drive.
Any idea where it goes wrong ? Why does on the PC the F-drive sometimes points to \servername\userhome\%username% ( = OK ) and sometimes to \servername\userhome ( = not OK ) ?
In the event logs of the PC or server I see nothing special.
Thanks to all who can help me.
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