I'm experiencing a weird problem after installing and configuring Proftpd on a E420R running Solaris 8. The install seem to go well. I set Proftpd up using a configuration (/etc/proftpd.conf) which I have used many times before on Linux platforms. So here's my problem. I create new users using "admintool" or just from the command line using "useradd", making all the necessary adjustments to the /etc/passwd and /etc/group files. I then test the new accounts by "su - username". They logon fine and they drop right into their home directories. So, next, I try and test Proftpd by using "ftp .". This brings up Proftpd (although, I don't think its coming up the way it should)and I logon using the newly created user only to receive a "logon error 550". Now I know this has to do with permissions, but I don't get it. I've set up Proftpd many times. I don't know why I can't log on. One more thing. It seems I can log on with my own "username" which I created when the systems was new. But I cannot get any of the new accounts to logon. The only thing I've been able to find was a small postscript to an email message warning that Proftpd likes PAM and will try and configure to it if the server has PAM installed. I've never used PAM. Can anybody shine some light on my dilemna??
Thanks so much,
Thanks so much,