I use the following script to attempt to set up a default printer.<br><br>Set WshNetwork = Wscript.CreateObject("Wscript.Network"<br>WshNetwork.AddWindowsPrinterConnection "\\Brent_PDC\Harles2"<br><br>WshNetwork.SetDefaultPrinter "\Harles2 on BRENT_PDC"<br><br><br>The AddWindowsPrinterConnection works, After that in the printers folder on the local machine your running the script on there is a printer called "Harles2 on BRENT_PDC". The SetDefaultPrinter line however reports<br>"There is no printer called "\Harles2 on BRENT_PDC".<br><br>How can I get it to recognise the new printer it has in its defaults???<br><br>Any help would be great.<br><br><A HREF="mailto:i.matthews@epixtech.co.uk">i.matthews@epixtech.co.uk</A><br><br><br>