I have a stored procedure that calls two parameters @Program which asks for a program code input and @MinPo which calls for a minimum Po Amount. The following is my stored procedure:
@program varchar(4),
@MinPo money
Select di1.vendor_code, di1.program, dpi.Po_num, dpi.date_create, mph.Printed_Date, mph.status, dpi.po_item_No, dpi.Supplier_pn, dpi.price, dpi.unit_of_meas,(dpi.quantity)*(dpi.price) as extd_cost,
dpi.quantity, (dpi.quantity)-(dpi.qty_recvd) as open_qty, dpi.baseline_date, dpi.[Current_Date], di1.nomenclature, di1.customer_no, di1.control_no, dpi.control_and_item,
dpi.last_expedite, di1.next_higher_assy, mph.Contract_no, dpi.need_date, dv.vendor_contact, dv.fax, dv.state, dv.vendor_name, dv.vendor_phone, ndx.group_no, ndx.key_value, ndx.date_update,
di1.disposition, di1.status,mph.ship_via, mph.status as po_status, di1.approval_status
from d_item1 di1
left outer join
(select Po_num, Date_create, po_item_no, supplier_pn, price, unit_of_meas, quantity,qty_recvd, max(baseline_date) as baseline_date, max([Current_Date]) as [Current_date],control_and_item,
sum(quantity)*(price) as extd_cost,need_date, last_expedite from d_poitem group by Po_num,Date_create, po_item_no, supplier_pn, price, unit_of_meas, quantity,qty_recvd, control_and_item,
quantity,price,need_date, last_expedite ) dpi on di1.control_and_item=dpi.control_and_item
left outer join m_pohead mph on dpi.po_num=mph.po_num
left outer join (select key_value, max(group_no) as group_no, max(date_update) as date_update from notes_dexpedite group by key_value) ndx on mph.po_num=ndx.key_value
left outer join d_vendors dv on di1.vendor_code=dv.vendor_code
where /*di1.vendor_code not like' ' and*/ (dpi.quantity)-(dpi.qty_recvd) >'0' and di1.approval_status='15' and di1.program=@program and (dpi.quantity)*(dpi.price)>=@MinPo
order by di1.vendor_code
The problem that I am having is that when I run my crystal report and put in the value for both parameters i get the following error code
Query Engine Error: ADO Error Code : 0x80040e 10
Source: Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server
rocedure'MROProgramByDollar' expects parameter "@MinPO" which was not supplied
SQL State: 42000
Native Error: 201
Anyone have a clue as to why this is happening? Any help will be appreciated.
I am using Crystal reports v10
@program varchar(4),
@MinPo money
Select di1.vendor_code, di1.program, dpi.Po_num, dpi.date_create, mph.Printed_Date, mph.status, dpi.po_item_No, dpi.Supplier_pn, dpi.price, dpi.unit_of_meas,(dpi.quantity)*(dpi.price) as extd_cost,
dpi.quantity, (dpi.quantity)-(dpi.qty_recvd) as open_qty, dpi.baseline_date, dpi.[Current_Date], di1.nomenclature, di1.customer_no, di1.control_no, dpi.control_and_item,
dpi.last_expedite, di1.next_higher_assy, mph.Contract_no, dpi.need_date, dv.vendor_contact, dv.fax, dv.state, dv.vendor_name, dv.vendor_phone, ndx.group_no, ndx.key_value, ndx.date_update,
di1.disposition, di1.status,mph.ship_via, mph.status as po_status, di1.approval_status
from d_item1 di1
left outer join
(select Po_num, Date_create, po_item_no, supplier_pn, price, unit_of_meas, quantity,qty_recvd, max(baseline_date) as baseline_date, max([Current_Date]) as [Current_date],control_and_item,
sum(quantity)*(price) as extd_cost,need_date, last_expedite from d_poitem group by Po_num,Date_create, po_item_no, supplier_pn, price, unit_of_meas, quantity,qty_recvd, control_and_item,
quantity,price,need_date, last_expedite ) dpi on di1.control_and_item=dpi.control_and_item
left outer join m_pohead mph on dpi.po_num=mph.po_num
left outer join (select key_value, max(group_no) as group_no, max(date_update) as date_update from notes_dexpedite group by key_value) ndx on mph.po_num=ndx.key_value
left outer join d_vendors dv on di1.vendor_code=dv.vendor_code
where /*di1.vendor_code not like' ' and*/ (dpi.quantity)-(dpi.qty_recvd) >'0' and di1.approval_status='15' and di1.program=@program and (dpi.quantity)*(dpi.price)>=@MinPo
order by di1.vendor_code
The problem that I am having is that when I run my crystal report and put in the value for both parameters i get the following error code
Query Engine Error: ADO Error Code : 0x80040e 10
Source: Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server
SQL State: 42000
Native Error: 201
Anyone have a clue as to why this is happening? Any help will be appreciated.
I am using Crystal reports v10