i have an access 2003 adp pointing to a sql server 2000 db. i have a form that displays records using a view as the datasource. there is a "component" combobox that can be used to navigate to a particular record. the application includes a button (labeled "pass") that, if clicked, will set the value for a "status" combobox to a value of "pass" and will then navigate to the next record using docmd.gotorecord,, acnext.
when i first open the form, if i click the "pass" button, things happen as expected. the current record's "status" combobox value changes to "pass" and the form navigates to the next record. however, if i use the navigation combobox to jump to a particular record, suddenly the behavior of the "pass" button changes. now, when i click "pass", the current record's "status" combobox is not updated, though it still navigates to the next record. if i go back one record and click the "pass" button again, then it works as expected!?
behind the scenes, the oddity continues. if i step through the code, here's what happens. after navigation in code occurs, then the first time i click the "pass" button, when the code sets the "status" combobox's value to "pass", it triggers the forms "after update" event. when that happens, the combobox fails to change value. if i go back to the same record and execute the same code, the form's "after update" event does not fire.
any ideas on what is happening here? here is the code that does the navigation...
i wouldn't expect someone to look through all of this, but as a reference, here's the entire code for the form...
when i first open the form, if i click the "pass" button, things happen as expected. the current record's "status" combobox value changes to "pass" and the form navigates to the next record. however, if i use the navigation combobox to jump to a particular record, suddenly the behavior of the "pass" button changes. now, when i click "pass", the current record's "status" combobox is not updated, though it still navigates to the next record. if i go back one record and click the "pass" button again, then it works as expected!?
behind the scenes, the oddity continues. if i step through the code, here's what happens. after navigation in code occurs, then the first time i click the "pass" button, when the code sets the "status" combobox's value to "pass", it triggers the forms "after update" event. when that happens, the combobox fails to change value. if i go back to the same record and execute the same code, the form's "after update" event does not fire.
any ideas on what is happening here? here is the code that does the navigation...
Private Sub cbxComponent_AfterUpdate()
Dim rs As ADODB.Recordset
If Me.cbxComponent > 0 Then
Set rs = Me.Recordset
suppressFormCurrentEvent = True
rs.Find ("componentID = " & Me.cbxComponent)
Me.cbxSection = Me.sectionID
End If
End Sub
Private Sub cbxSection_AfterUpdate()
Dim rs As ADODB.Recordset
Dim sectionID As Integer
If Me.cbxSection > 0 Then
sectionID = Me.cbxSection
Set rs = Me.Recordset
suppressFormCurrentEvent = True
rs.Find ("sectionID = " & sectionID)
End If
End Sub
i wouldn't expect someone to look through all of this, but as a reference, here's the entire code for the form...
Option Compare Database
Option Explicit
'code here needs to be able to handle a number of different work flows when adding an new record.
' 1. adding a new record to test pass only
' 2. adding a new record to test pass and section
' 3. inserting a new record to test pass only
' 4. inserting a new record to test pass and section
'the different between "adding" and "inserting" is how the orderIndex field is populated.
'with "adding", the order index for the new case is simply the next value over current max orderIndex.
'with "inserting", the order index for the new case is the orderIndex value of the next record in the list
'at the time that the INSERT button was clicked. all test cases above this have their orderIndex value
'incremented one.
'when inserting, the order index must be updated for both the "section" case and the "pass" case.
Dim t1
Dim t2
Dim bm As String
Dim addingRecord As addType
Dim addingLocation As addLocation
Dim nextOrderIndex As Integer
Dim testPassExecutionIDValue As Integer
Dim resetAddingLocation As Boolean
Dim stepsValue As String
Dim summaryValue As String
Dim resultsValue As String
Dim gotoRecord As Integer 'holds target testcaseexecutionid value for navigation purposes
Dim checkNewRecord As Boolean
'use this to bypass code in form_current event when code performs a navigation event
'as opposed to when a user performs a navigation event
Dim suppressFormCurrentEvent As Boolean
Private Sub btnClose_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_btnClose_Click
Exit Sub
MsgBox Err.description
Resume Exit_btnClose_Click
End Sub
Private Sub btnCopyLast_Click()
If Not IsNull(summaryValue) And summaryValue <> "" Then
Me.tbxSummary = summaryValue
End If
If Not IsNull(stepsValue) And stepsValue <> "" Then
Me.tbxSteps = stepsValue
End If
If Not IsNull(resultsValue) And resultsValue <> "" Then
Me.tbxExpectedResults = resultsValue
End If
End Sub
Private Sub btnDeleteCase_Click()
Dim bm
If MsgBox("Delete current test case? This will remove test case from both the current test pass and the current test project.", vbYesNo, "Delete Confirmation") = vbYes Then
DoCmd.SetWarnings False
DoCmd.RunSQL "delete from testCasesExecutions where testCaseExecutionID = " & Me.testCaseExecutionID
If Me.caseID > 0 Then
DoCmd.RunSQL "delete from cases where caseID = " & Me.caseID
End If
DoCmd.SetWarnings True
bm = Me.Bookmark
Me.Bookmark = bm
End If
End Sub
Private Sub btnExecutionHistory_Click()
DoCmd.OpenForm "testCaseHistory", acNormal, , "caseReferenceCode = " & Me.caseReferenceCode, , acNormal, Me.caseReferenceCode
End Sub
Private Sub btnPass_Click()
application.Echo False
Me.cbxStatus = "Pass"
application.Echo True
End Sub
Private Sub cbxComponent_AfterUpdate()
Dim rs As ADODB.Recordset
If Me.cbxComponent > 0 Then
Set rs = Me.Recordset
suppressFormCurrentEvent = True
rs.Find ("componentID = " & Me.cbxComponent)
Me.cbxSection = Me.sectionID
End If
End Sub
Private Sub cbxSection_AfterUpdate()
Dim rs As ADODB.Recordset
Dim sectionID As Integer
If Me.cbxSection > 0 Then
sectionID = Me.cbxSection
Set rs = Me.Recordset
suppressFormCurrentEvent = True
rs.Find ("sectionID = " & sectionID)
End If
End Sub
Private Sub cbxStatus_AfterUpdate()
Dim elapsed As Single
If (Me.cbxStatus = "Pass" Or Me.cbxStatus = "Fail") And Me.btnTimer.caption = "TIMER ON" Then
t2 = Timer
elapsed = Me.tbxElapsedTime + ((t2 - t1) / 60)
elapsed = Round(elapsed, 2)
Me.tbxElapsedTime = elapsed
t1 = Timer
End If
Select Case Me.cbxStatus
Case "Fail"
setSummaryColor "red"
Me.tbxDateExecuted = Date
Case "Blocked"
setSummaryColor "red"
Case "Pass"
setSummaryColor "gray"
Me.tbxDateExecuted = Date
Case "Skipped"
setSummaryColor "gray"
Case "Pending"
setSummaryColor "white"
End Select
End Sub
Private Sub btnTimer_Click()
If Me.btnTimer.caption = "TIMER OFF" Then
Me.btnTimer.caption = "TIMER ON"
Me.btnTimer.ForeColor = 255
Me.btnTimer.FontWeight = 700
t1 = Timer
Me.btnTimer.caption = "TIMER OFF"
Me.btnTimer.ForeColor = -2147483630
Me.btnTimer.FontWeight = 400
t2 = Timer
Me.tbxElapsedTime = Me.tbxElapsedTime + Round(((t2 - t1) / 60), 2)
End If
End Sub
Private Sub btnUpdateCase_Click()
If MsgBox("Are you sure you want to update the current test case? This will set the " & _
"test case template to have the same values as the current comments, expected results and priority " & _
"for this test case pass.", vbYesNo, "Update Test Case?") = vbYes Then
updateCase Me
End If
End Sub
Private Sub btnInsertTestCase_Click()
If Me.NewRecord = True Then
MsgBox "Unable to insert record while creating a new record.", vbExclamation, "Insert Process"
DoCmd.gotoRecord , , acNext
nextOrderIndex = Me.orderIndex
bm = Me.Bookmark
DoCmd.gotoRecord , , acNewRec
addingRecord = at_inserting
If addingLocation = al_unspecified Then
If MsgBox("Add test case to section " & Me.cbxSection.Column(1) & "?", vbYesNo, "Insert Process") = vbYes Then
addingLocation = al_templateAndSection
addingLocation = al_templateOnly
End If
End If
End If
End Sub
Private Sub cbxStatusFilter_AfterUpdate()
Dim newRowSource As String
If Me.cbxStatusFilter <> "All" Then
Me.ServerFilter = "status = '" & Me.cbxStatusFilter & "' and testPassExecutionID = " & testPassExecutionIDValue
Me.ServerFilter = "testPassExecutionID = " & testPassExecutionIDValue
End If
Me.ServerFilterByForm = True
End Sub
Private Sub cbxTestPhase_AfterUpdate()
Me.cbxTestPhase.DefaultValue = Me.cbxTestPhase
End Sub
Private Sub cbxTestType_AfterUpdate()
Me.cbxTestType.DefaultValue = Me.cbxTestType
End Sub
Private Sub Form_AfterUpdate()
'commented out for now. need to add check for null values
' summaryValue = Me.tbxSummary
' stepsValue = Me.tbxSteps
' resultsValue = Me.tbxExpectedResults
End Sub
Private Sub Form_BeforeInsert(Cancel As Integer)
If addingLocation = al_unspecified Then
If MsgBox("Add test case to section " & Me.cbxSection.Column(1) & "?", vbYesNo, "Insert Process") = vbYes Then
addingLocation = al_templateAndSection
addingLocation = al_templateOnly
End If
End If
End Sub
'for "beforeUpdate", caseID may be null or 0. it should be null only if this is a new record. it
'should be 0 only if it has been added or inserted to the test pass only (not added to section also).
Private Sub Form_BeforeUpdate(Cancel As Integer)
Dim strsql As String
Dim result
Me.testPassExecutionID = testPassExecutionIDValue
If Me.NewRecord = True Then
'if inserting a record (meaning the record will be ordered inbetween existing records)...
If addingRecord = at_inserting Then
If addingLocation = al_templateAndSection Then
saveCaseToSection 'this also sets orderIndex for case getting added to section
'update orderindexes for cases
'*** i don't understand what's happening here, but the below code doesn't appear to be
' needed as the action it is meant to perform is happening somewhere else ***
'DoCmd.SetWarnings False
'strSQL = "update cases set orderIndex = orderIndex + 1 where sectionID = " & Me.cbxSection & " and caseID != " & Me.caseID & " and orderIndex >= " & nextOrderIndex
'DoCmd.RunSQL strSQL
'DoCmd.SetWarnings True
Me.caseID = 0
End If
Me.orderIndex = nextOrderIndex
'update orderindexes for testcaseexecutions
DoCmd.SetWarnings False
strsql = "update testCasesExecutions set orderIndex = orderIndex + 1 where testPassExecutionID = " & Me.testPassExecutionID & " and sectionID = " & Me.cbxSection & " and caseID != " & Me.caseID & " and orderIndex >= " & nextOrderIndex
DoCmd.RunSQL strsql
DoCmd.SetWarnings True
'if adding a record (meaning the records will be ordered to end of existing records)...
If addingLocation = al_templateAndSection Then
saveCaseToSection 'this also sets orderIndex for case getting added to section
Me.caseID = 0
End If
Me.orderIndex = getNextOrderIndex("testCasesExecutions", "testPassExecutionID", Me.testPassExecutionID, "sectionID", Me.cbxSection)
End If
Me.componentID = Me.cbxComponent
Me.sectionID = Me.cbxSection
End If
If Not IsNull(loginUserID) And Not IsEmpty(loginUserID) Then
Me.executorID = loginUserID
End If
End Sub
Private Sub Form_AfterInsert()
If addingRecord = at_inserting Then
Me.Bookmark = bm
End If
addingRecord = at_unspecified
If resetAddingLocation = True Then
addingLocation = al_unspecified
End If
End Sub
Private Sub saveCaseToSection()
Dim cs As testCase
Set cs = New testCase
cs.sectionID = Me.cbxSection
cs.summary = Me.tbxSummary
If Not IsNull(Me.tbxDescription) Then
cs.description = Me.tbxDescription
End If
If Not IsNull(Me.tbxSteps) Then
cs.steps = Me.tbxSteps
End If
If Not IsNull(Me.tbxExpectedResults) Then
cs.expectedResults = Me.tbxExpectedResults
End If
If Not IsNull(Me.chkNewFeature) Then
cs.newFeature = Me.chkNewFeature
End If
If Not IsNull(Me.cbxTestType) Then
cs.testType = Me.cbxTestType
End If
If Not IsNull(Me.cbxTestPhase) Then
cs.phase = Me.cbxTestPhase
End If
If addingRecord = at_inserting Then
cs.createCase nextOrderIndex
cs.createCase 0
End If
Me.caseID = cs.caseID
End Sub
Private Sub updateReferenceCode()
Dim strsql As String
Dim result
strsql = "select referenceCode from sections where sectionID = " & Me.cbxSection
result = getSingleValue(strsql, "referenceCode")
Me.sectionReferenceCode = result
strsql = "select referenceCode from cases where caseID = " & Me.caseID
result = getSingleValue(strsql, "referenceCode")
Me.caseReferenceCode = result
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Current()
Dim strsql As String
Dim count As Double
Dim totalCount As Double
If suppressFormCurrentEvent = False Then
If Not IsNull(Me.caseID) Then
Me.cbxComponent = Me.componentID
Me.cbxSection = Me.sectionID
End If
Select Case Me.cbxStatus
Case "Fail", "Blocked"
setSummaryColor "red"
Case "Skipped", "Pass"
setSummaryColor "gray"
Case "Pending"
setSummaryColor "white"
End Select
If Not IsNull(Me.tbxTestPassExecutionID) Then
strsql = "select count(caseID) as caseCount from testCasesExecutions where testPassExecutionID = " & Me.testPassExecutionID
totalCount = getSingleValue(strsql, "caseCount")
Me.lblTotalCases.caption = str(totalCount)
strsql = strsql & " and status = 'Pending'"
count = getSingleValue(strsql, "caseCount")
Me.lblTestPassPending.caption = str(count)
count = count / totalCount
count = count * 100
count = Round(count, 2)
count = 100 - count
Me.lblPercentCompleted.caption = str(count) & "%"
strsql = strsql & " and componentID = " & Me.componentID
count = getSingleValue(strsql, "caseCount")
Me.lblComponentPending.caption = str(count)
strsql = strsql & " and sectionID = " & Me.sectionID
count = getSingleValue(strsql, "caseCount")
Me.lblSectionPending.caption = str(count)
End If
If Me.NewRecord = False Then
If Not IsNull(Me.tbxSummary) Then
summaryValue = Me.tbxSummary
summaryValue = ""
End If
If Not IsNull(Me.tbxSteps) Then
stepsValue = Me.tbxSteps
stepsValue = ""
End If
If Not IsNull(Me.tbxExpectedResults) Then
resultsValue = Me.tbxExpectedResults
resultsValue = ""
End If
End If
End If
suppressFormCurrentEvent = False
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Load()
Dim rs As ADODB.Recordset
If gotoRecord > 0 Then
Set rs = Me.Recordset
rs.Find ("testCaseExecutionID = " & gotoRecord)
gotoRecord = 0
End If
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Open(Cancel As Integer)
Dim args
Me.ServerFilterByForm = False
suppressFormCurrentEvent = False
gotoRecord = 0
'do no allow this form to be opened directly.
'should only be accessible from test pass dialog or case maintenance dialog
If IsNull(Me.OpenArgs) Then
MsgBox "Unable to display form. Missing test execution ID number.", vbCritical, "Form Open Failure"
Cancel = True
'arg 0: test pass execution id
'arg 1: test case execution id
'arg 2: component id
'arg 3: section id
args = Split(Me.OpenArgs, ",")
testPassExecutionIDValue = CInt(args(0))
'if there is more than one argument, the form is being opened in one of two ways...
'1. from the case maintenace dialog after clicking to test an individual case
'2. without any test cases. in that situation, a new section is created to
' match all test cases entered. set section and component combo boxes to
'to show appropriate section/component. this data is then used for each new "add" or "insert" to
'update link cases to appropriate section
'in this case, user is testing an individual case. set gotoRecord in order
'to navigate to that record after opening form
If UBound(args) = 1 Then
gotoRecord = args(1)
'in this case, user is creating a new test pass and adding cases on the fly
ElseIf UBound(args) > 1 Then
Me.cbxComponent.DefaultValue = CInt(args(2))
Me.cbxSection.DefaultValue = CInt(args(3))
addingLocation = al_templateAndSection
resetAddingLocation = False
'in this case, dialog has been opened for an existing test pass with existing
'test cases
addingLocation = al_unspecified
resetAddingLocation = True
End If
End If
Me.cbxComponent.RowSource = "select componentID, componentName from components where componentID in " & _
"(select componentID from testCasesExecutions where testPassExecutionID = " & testPassExecutionIDValue & ") order by componentName"
addingRecord = at_unspecified
End Sub
Private Sub setSummaryColor(color As String)
Select Case color
Case "red"
Me.tbxSummary.BackColor = RGB(255, 100, 100)
Case "gray"
Me.tbxSummary.BackColor = RGB(200, 200, 200)
Case "white"
Me.tbxSummary.BackColor = RGB(255, 255, 255)
End Select
End Sub
Private Sub btnNext_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_btnNext_Click
Dim continue As Boolean
continue = True
If [CurrentRecord] = Me.RecordsetClone.RecordCount Then
If MsgBox("End of test cases. Do you want to create a new test case?", vbQuestion + vbYesNo, "New Record Confirmation") = vbYes Then
continue = True
continue = False
End If
End If
If continue = True Then
If addingRecord = at_inserting Then
Me.Bookmark = bm
DoCmd.gotoRecord , , acNext
DoCmd.gotoRecord , , acNext
End If
End If
Exit Sub
MsgBox Err.description
Resume Exit_btnNext_Click
End Sub
Private Sub btnPrevious_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_btnPrevious_Click
If addingRecord = at_inserting Then
Me.Bookmark = bm
DoCmd.gotoRecord , , acPrevious
DoCmd.gotoRecord , , acPrevious
End If
Exit Sub
MsgBox Err.description
Resume Exit_btnPrevious_Click
End Sub
Private Sub btnLast_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_btnLast_Click
DoCmd.gotoRecord , , acLast
Exit Sub
MsgBox Err.description
Resume Exit_btnLast_Click
End Sub
Private Sub btnFirst_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_btnFirst_Click
DoCmd.gotoRecord , , acFirst
Exit Sub
MsgBox Err.description
Resume Exit_btnFirst_Click
End Sub
Sub setSectionSource()
Dim newRowSource As String
Dim statusString As String
If Me.cbxStatusFilter = "All" Then
statusString = ""
statusString = " and status = '" & Me.cbxStatusFilter & "' "
End If
newRowSource = "select sectionID, sectionName from sections where sectionID in " & _
"(select sectionID from testCasesExecutions where testPassExecutionID = " & _
testPassExecutionIDValue & statusString & " and componentID = " & Me.cbxComponent & ") order by sectionName"
Me.cbxSection.RowSource = newRowSource
End Sub
Sub setComponentSource()
Dim newRowSource As String
Dim statusString As String
If Me.cbxStatusFilter = "All" Then
statusString = ""
statusString = " and status = '" & Me.cbxStatusFilter & "' "
End If
newRowSource = "select componentID, componentName from components where componentID in " & _
"(select componentID from testCasesExecutions where testPassExecutionID = " & _
testPassExecutionIDValue & statusString & ") order by componentName"
Me.cbxComponent.RowSource = newRowSource
End Sub