Table 2 (Rooms) has the following fields:<br> Building (primary key)<br> Room<br><br>Table 2 (computers) has a bunch of fields including:<br> Building<br> Room<br><br>While doing data entry in Table 2, the user has entered data in the Building field (using a pulldown). When entering data for the field Room, I want to do a lookup in Table 1 based on the Building that was just entered. Under the lookup tab for the field Room, I have Display Control=Combo Box, Row Source=Table/Query, and the following for Row Source:<br> <br> SELECT Rooms.Room FROM Rooms WHERE (([Rooms].[Building]=[Building]));<br><br>And it doesn't work. When I click on the pulldown in the Room field, I see every record in the Rooms table, not just the ones for the entered Building.<br><br>I think I must be close because if I replace the [Building] parameter with a text field (such as "Building 460", the pulldown list then shows only the rooms which are associated with that building:<br><br> SELECT Rooms.Room FROM Rooms WHERE (([Rooms].[Building]="Building 460");<br><br>Suggestions on how to fix this problem?<br><br>Also, what's the easiest way to verify that the room is correct if the user changes the building? I'm assuming this would be handled in an AfterUpdate event?<br>