The problem is as follows:
When my test program called an ejb method from Weblogic Instance SP1(cluster) via the content switch, it keeps calling the same Weblogic Instance IL1(non-cluster). It never call the other weblogic instance IL2 (non-cluster). The content switch( is linking(load balancing) to 2 weblogic servers. By right, it should load balance calls to the 2 weblogic servers(non-cluster). If i do a telnet to the content switch server, it will route the call to either of the 2 Weblogic Instance servers IL1 and IL2(non-cluster). But when i do a ejb call t3 connection, it always go to the same Weblogic Instance IL1(non-cluster).
Below is the program which i activated. It loop the method 100 times, and each loop, i do a new lookup but it still goes to the same Weblogic Instance IL1(non-cluster):
For (int j = 0; j<100; j++){
Integer i = generateICCPin()
public Integer generateICCPin(){
Properties h = new Properties();
h.put(Context.INITIAL_CONTEXT_FACTORY, "weblogic.jndi.WLInitialContextFactory"
h.put(Context.PROVIDER_URL, "t3://"
ictx = new InitialContext(h);
midRetrievalRemoteHome = (MidRetrievalRemoteHome)ictx.lookup("MidRetrievalRemoteBean"
midRetrievalRemote = midRetrievalRemoteHome.create();
return midRetrievalRemote.generateICCPin();
If you know the solution, either reply to this topic or mail me at
Thanks in advance.
When my test program called an ejb method from Weblogic Instance SP1(cluster) via the content switch, it keeps calling the same Weblogic Instance IL1(non-cluster). It never call the other weblogic instance IL2 (non-cluster). The content switch( is linking(load balancing) to 2 weblogic servers. By right, it should load balance calls to the 2 weblogic servers(non-cluster). If i do a telnet to the content switch server, it will route the call to either of the 2 Weblogic Instance servers IL1 and IL2(non-cluster). But when i do a ejb call t3 connection, it always go to the same Weblogic Instance IL1(non-cluster).
Below is the program which i activated. It loop the method 100 times, and each loop, i do a new lookup but it still goes to the same Weblogic Instance IL1(non-cluster):
For (int j = 0; j<100; j++){
Integer i = generateICCPin()
public Integer generateICCPin(){
Properties h = new Properties();
h.put(Context.INITIAL_CONTEXT_FACTORY, "weblogic.jndi.WLInitialContextFactory"
h.put(Context.PROVIDER_URL, "t3://"
ictx = new InitialContext(h);
midRetrievalRemoteHome = (MidRetrievalRemoteHome)ictx.lookup("MidRetrievalRemoteBean"
midRetrievalRemote = midRetrievalRemoteHome.create();
return midRetrievalRemote.generateICCPin();
If you know the solution, either reply to this topic or mail me at
Thanks in advance.