I need some help in executing my Java programs which use JDBC.
I have installed Oracle-8i on Windwos-me. Everything works fine. But I have problems with JDBC connection. I am trying to connect to the Oracle server using JDBC. The Program JdbcCheckup.java supplied by Oracle corporation errors out hen executed. But when I execute that it gives me the error as
"Java has caused an error in JAVAI.DLL.
JAVA will now close.
If you continue to experience problems,
try restarting your computer."
This is the same problem with all the JDBC related programs.
I am using Java 1.2.2 version
I have set the classpath to point to Oracle jdbc driver classes [classes111.zip] and also set the path to point to {ORACLE_HOME}/lib.
Can anybody please suggest me what I miss or where I am wrong to get-rid of this error.
Also, can anybody please suggest me where I can download Pro-C compiler
Thanks in advance
Parthasarathy Parthasarathy, Hassan
I need some help in executing my Java programs which use JDBC.
I have installed Oracle-8i on Windwos-me. Everything works fine. But I have problems with JDBC connection. I am trying to connect to the Oracle server using JDBC. The Program JdbcCheckup.java supplied by Oracle corporation errors out hen executed. But when I execute that it gives me the error as
"Java has caused an error in JAVAI.DLL.
JAVA will now close.
If you continue to experience problems,
try restarting your computer."
This is the same problem with all the JDBC related programs.
I am using Java 1.2.2 version
I have set the classpath to point to Oracle jdbc driver classes [classes111.zip] and also set the path to point to {ORACLE_HOME}/lib.
Can anybody please suggest me what I miss or where I am wrong to get-rid of this error.
Also, can anybody please suggest me where I can download Pro-C compiler
Thanks in advance
Parthasarathy Parthasarathy, Hassan