I have a project where all the tables are created and maintained dynamically in code using ADO. The problem comes in when a field contains a ' in it when performing an INSERT INTO statement. <br><br>Here is a psuedo sample of my code to give you an idea of what I am attempting.<br><br><br>Dim sSQL as String<br>Dim sTableName as String<br>Dim DBconn as ADODB.Connection<br>Dim rsInsert as ADODB.Recordset<br><br>Set DBConn = SomeString<br>Set rsInsert = New ADODB.Recordset<br><br>sTableName = "SomeName"<br><br>sSQL = "INSERT INTO " & sTableName & "(Field1, Field2) Values ('" & Text1.Text & "', '" & text2.Text & "');"<br><br>rsInsert.Open sSQL, dbConn, adOpenKeyset<br><br>I have tried to use a function that searched Text1 and Text 2 for the ' and replace them with the access method """ but vb returned a syntax error so I tried the function with "chr(39)" and still no luck. <br><br>Please help!!! <br>