VB6 SP4/XP Pro.
I'm calling the functions to manage printer forms. They are supported by NT/2000/XP. AddForm, DeleteForm, SetForm and EnumForms work fine but there's a problem with GetForm. It's called once to return the required size of the byte buffer that holdes a PRINTER_INFO_1 udt and a second time with the correct buffer size to return the udt. The first call works fine and in debug it returns the correct bytes needed. The second call crashes the IDE.
This is the code, I've simplified the fGetForm function by removing error checking. Can anybody see what I'm doing wrong?
Paul Bent
Northwind IT Systems
I'm calling the functions to manage printer forms. They are supported by NT/2000/XP. AddForm, DeleteForm, SetForm and EnumForms work fine but there's a problem with GetForm. It's called once to return the required size of the byte buffer that holdes a PRINTER_INFO_1 udt and a second time with the correct buffer size to return the udt. The first call works fine and in debug it returns the correct bytes needed. The second call crashes the IDE.
This is the code, I've simplified the fGetForm function by removing error checking. Can anybody see what I'm doing wrong?
'In a bas module:
Option Explicit
Public Declare Function OpenPrinter Lib "winspool.drv" _
Alias "OpenPrinterA" (ByVal pPrinterName As String, _
phPrinter As Long, ByVal pDefault As Long) As Long
Public Declare Function ClosePrinter Lib "winspool.drv" _
(ByVal hPrinter As Long) As Long
Public Declare Sub CopyMemory Lib "Kernel32" Alias "RtlMoveMemory" _
(hpvDest As Any, hpvSource As Any, ByVal cbCopy As Long)
Public Declare Function lstrcpy Lib "Kernel32" Alias "lstrcpyA" _
(ByVal lpString1 As String, ByRef lpString2 As Long) As Long
Public Declare Function GetForm Lib "winspool.drv" Alias "GetFormA" _
(ByVal hPrinter As Long, ByVal pFormName As String, _
ByVal Level As Long, pForm As Byte, ByVal cbBuf As Long, _
pcbNeeded As Long) As Long
'Null pointer
Public Const NULLPTR = 0&
Public Type RECTL
Left As Long
Top As Long
Right As Long
Bottom As Long
End Type
Public Type SIZEL
cx As Long
cy As Long
End Type
Public Type FORM_INFO_1
Flags As Long
pName As Long 'String pointer
ImageableArea As RECTL
End Type
Public Function fGetForm(ByVal strPrinter As String, _
ByVal strFormName As String, _
ByRef udtFI1 As FORM_INFO_1) As Boolean
'--- Given a printer name and a form name, returns the form settings
'--- Parameters
' [In]
' strPrinter: the name of the printer
' strFormName: the name of the form to get
' [In/Out]
' udtFI1: form info structure in which the form settings are returned
'--- Return value
' Returns True if the form was selected successfully
' else False if an error occurred
Dim phPrinter As Long 'Handle to the printer
Dim plngBytesNeeded As Long 'Number of bytes occupied by structure
Dim plngRtn As Long 'API function return value
Dim pabytTmp() As Byte 'Byte array to buffer structure
'Get a handle to the printer
plngRtn = OpenPrinter(strPrinter, phPrinter, NULLPTR)
'Size the temp byte array
ReDim pabytTmp(0 To 0)
'First call retrieves the BytesNeeded.
plngRtn = GetForm(phPrinter, strFormName, 1, _
pabytTmp(0), 1, plngBytesNeeded)
'Resize the byte array to the required size
ReDim pabytTmp(0 To plngBytesNeeded - 1)
'Call GetForm again with correct buffer size
[red]'This line crashes the IDE
plngRtn = GetForm(phPrinter, strFormName, 1, _
pabytTmp(0), plngBytesNeeded, plngBytesNeeded)[/red]
If plngRtn > 0 Then
'Form was returned successfully
'Copy the byte array to the form info structure
Call CopyMemory(udtFI1, pabytTmp(0), plngBytesNeeded)
'Return success
fGetForm = True
End If
'Close printer
If Not phPrinter = 0 Then
ClosePrinter phPrinter
End If
End Function
Public Function fPtrCtoVbString(ByVal lngPtr As Long) As String
'Given a pointer to a string, returns the string
Dim lngRtn As Long 'API function return value
Dim pstrTmp As String * 512 'Buffer to copy the string into
lngRtn = lstrcpy(pstrTmp, ByVal lngPtr)
If InStr(1, pstrTmp, vbNullChar) > 0 Then
'Return the string
fPtrCtoVbString = Left$(pstrTmp, _
InStr(1, pstrTmp, vbNullChar) - 1)
End If
End Function
'In Form1 there is a list box containing names of installed
'forms (lstForms) and a command button labelled
'Get Form Details (cmdGetForm)
Option Explicit
Private Sub cmdGetForm_Click()
Dim udtFI1 As FORM_INFO_1 'Form settings returned in this udt
Dim strPrinter As String 'Name of printer
Dim strFormName As String 'Name of form to retrieve settings for
strPrinter = Printer.DeviceName ' Current printer
'Form selected in the listbox
strFormName = Mid(lstForms.Text, 1, InStr(1, lstForms.Text, " -") - 1)
If fGetForm(strPrinter, strFormName, udtFI1) Then
'Print the form settings
With udtFI1
Debug.Print "Form name: " & fPtrCtoVbString(.pName)
Debug.Print "Width (mm): " & _
Format$(.Size.cx / 1000, "#0.000")
Debug.Print "Height (mm): " & _
Format$(.Size.cy / 1000, "#0.000")
Debug.Print "Imageable Area Top (mm): " & _
Format$(.ImageableArea.Top / 1000, "#0.000")
Debug.Print "Imageable Area Left (mm): " & _
Format$(.ImageableArea.Left / 1000, "#0.000")
Debug.Print "Imageable Area Right (mm): " & _
Format$(.ImageableArea.Right / 1000, "#0.000")
Debug.Print "Imageable Area Bottom (mm): " & _
Format$(.ImageableArea.Bottom / 1000, "#0.000")
End With
MsgBox "Failed to get the form settings.", 16, "GetForm Error"
End If
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Load()
Dim lngNumForms As Long 'Number of forms returned
Dim lngC1 As Long 'Loop counter
Dim lngBytesNeeded As Long 'Size of buffer needed for udt array
Dim lngRtn As Long 'API function return value
Dim strPrinter As String 'Current printer name
Dim hPrinter As Long 'Handle to printer
Dim strFormItem As String 'ListBox item
Dim udtFI1 As FORM_INFO_1 'Form info structure
Dim audtFI1() As FORM_INFO_1 'Udt array to hold enumerated forms
Dim abytTmp() As Byte 'Byte array to buffer the udt array
strPrinter = Printer.DeviceName ' Current printer
If OpenPrinter(strPrinter, hPrinter, 0&) Then
'Size the byte array to anything
ReDim audtFI1(0 To 1)
'Call EnumForms to get BytesNeeded
lngRtn = EnumForms(hPrinter, 1, audtFI1(0), 0&, _
lngBytesNeeded, lngNumForms)
'Size the byte array to the required size
ReDim abytTmp(0 To lngBytesNeeded)
'Size the udt array to the required size
ReDim audtFI1(lngBytesNeeded / Len(udtFI1))
'Call EnumForms with the correct buffer size
lngRtn = EnumForms(hPrinter, 1, abytTmp(0), _
lngBytesNeeded, lngBytesNeeded, lngNumForms)
'Copy the forms from the byte array to the udt array
Call CopyMemory(audtFI1(0), abytTmp(0), lngBytesNeeded)
'Move through the udt array and add the forms to the listbox
For lngC1 = 0 To lngNumForms - 1
With audtFI1(lngC1)
'List name, size and the count index
strFormItem = fPtrCtoVbString(.pName) & _
" - " & .Size.cx / 1000 & _
" mm X " & .Size.cy / 1000 & " mm (" & _
lngC1 + 1 & ")"
lstForms.AddItem strFormItem
End With
'Select first form in listbox
lstForms.ListIndex = 0
ClosePrinter hPrinter
End If
End Sub
Paul Bent
Northwind IT Systems