Ok, so I have a table with the following columns:
UserName, ProgramName, OrderInList
What I am trying to do is setup some code to update the "OrderInList" field, everytime a row is deleted.
Here is how I am adding the data to the table...
lstStart.ListCount + 1 gives me the current row number, which I am using with the UserName to create my primary key, as there may be duplicates with the sProgram field.
Here is how I am currently deleting the records...
strUser is a global variable pulled on load with...
There may be an easier way to do what I am trying to do, so I am open to options. Really I am just making a list, unique to each user, which they can edit, but I am having issues because of the duplicate items in the list. Obviously as it sits right now, after you delete one row, the rows after it can't be deleted as the "row number" in the table won't match the row in the list box.
This really feels like a Monday morning issue to me! Grrr!
UserName, ProgramName, OrderInList
What I am trying to do is setup some code to update the "OrderInList" field, everytime a row is deleted.
Here is how I am adding the data to the table...
DoCmd.SetWarnings False
DoCmd.RunSQL "INSERT INTO tData (sUser, sProgram, iRow) VALUES ('" & strAlias & "', '" & lstPrograms.Value & "', '" & lstStart.ListCount + 1 & "');"
DoCmd.SetWarnings True
lstStart.ListCount + 1 gives me the current row number, which I am using with the UserName to create my primary key, as there may be duplicates with the sProgram field.
Here is how I am currently deleting the records...
DoCmd.SetWarnings False
DoCmd.RunSQL "DELETE * FROM tData WHERE sUser ='" & strUser & "' AND iRow =" & lstStart.ListIndex + 1
DoCmd.SetWarnings True
strUser = VBA.Environ("UserName")
There may be an easier way to do what I am trying to do, so I am open to options. Really I am just making a list, unique to each user, which they can edit, but I am having issues because of the duplicate items in the list. Obviously as it sits right now, after you delete one row, the rows after it can't be deleted as the "row number" in the table won't match the row in the list box.
This really feels like a Monday morning issue to me! Grrr!