I am putting together a report which I want to lookup several related fields in another table.
My Problem is that I only seem t get #Error returned.
I am trying to combine the first name and surname into a single report field.
=DLookUp("Forename","tblUsers","UserID=" & [Sponsor])+" "+DLookUp("Surname","tblUsers","UserID=1"
[Sponsor] is a field of the reports recordsource.
I have left the surname crit as 1, which was my test value to make sure DLookup works without a dnamic crit (which it did).
Anyone out there ableto shed some light on my problem?
My Problem is that I only seem t get #Error returned.
I am trying to combine the first name and surname into a single report field.
=DLookUp("Forename","tblUsers","UserID=" & [Sponsor])+" "+DLookUp("Surname","tblUsers","UserID=1"
[Sponsor] is a field of the reports recordsource.
I have left the surname crit as 1, which was my test value to make sure DLookup works without a dnamic crit (which it did).
Anyone out there ableto shed some light on my problem?