I'm trying to solve the Japanese puzzle kuromasu with prolog (Eclipse clp).
In this game you have to colour every cell of a grid black or white.
One of this game constraints is that you may not have two black cells next to each other. (this is atm the only constraint I have programmed)
My idea in programming this with prolog was to make a WhiteList and a BlackList.
These consist of all the cells who are white/black.
Initially you know only that the numbered cells are white.
So I suspend the other cells of being a member of either WhiteList or BlackList.
The initial creation (create_puzzle) works fine and and with 17 delayed goals exactly as expected.
The problem start when I'm putting the constraints on my lists. For example if I say no_neighbours(BlackList) this results in an empty list, because it doesn't wait until the delayed goals are solved.
What I like to find out is a way that every time the search function labels a new cell to be black it checks if the BlackList has no_neighbours.
I know this is quite an open question but any suggestion is welcome, even if it is a completely different perspective.
This is my code so far:
Thanks in advance.
I'm trying to solve the Japanese puzzle kuromasu with prolog (Eclipse clp).
In this game you have to colour every cell of a grid black or white.
One of this game constraints is that you may not have two black cells next to each other. (this is atm the only constraint I have programmed)
My idea in programming this with prolog was to make a WhiteList and a BlackList.
These consist of all the cells who are white/black.
Initially you know only that the numbered cells are white.
So I suspend the other cells of being a member of either WhiteList or BlackList.
The initial creation (create_puzzle) works fine and and with 17 delayed goals exactly as expected.
The problem start when I'm putting the constraints on my lists. For example if I say no_neighbours(BlackList) this results in an empty list, because it doesn't wait until the delayed goals are solved.
What I like to find out is a way that every time the search function labels a new cell to be black it checks if the BlackList has no_neighbours.
I know this is quite an open question but any suggestion is welcome, even if it is a completely different perspective.
This is my code so far:
:- lib(ic).
:- lib(lists).
:- lib(arrays).
kuromasu(Id, Board, BlackList, WhiteList) :-
puzzle(Id, Dim, NumberList),
create_puzzle(NumberList, Dim, Board, BlackList, WhiteList),
constraints(Board, NumberList, BlackList, WhiteList, Dim),
create_puzzle(NumberList, Dim, Board, BlackList, WhiteList) :-
dim(Board, [Dim,Dim]),
( foreach((I,J,Value), NumberList),
Board :: [0..1],
( for(I,1,Dim),
param(Dim,Board, BlackList,WhiteList)
( for(J,1,Dim),
Box is Board[I,J],
( var(Box) ->
( Box =:= 0 ->
),2, Box->inst)
( Box =:= 0 ->
constraints(Board, NumberList, BlackList, WhiteList, Dim) :-
no_neighbours((X,Y):Xs) :-
search(Values) :-
term_variables(flatten(Values), Vars),
print_board(Board) :-
( foreachelem(El,Board,[_,J])
( J=:= 1 -> nl ; true),
write(' '),
(var(El) -> write('_') ; write(El) )
puzzle(1,5,[ (2,1,8),(2,3,8),(2,5,5),(3,2,7),(3,4,7),(4,1,8),(4,3,8),(4,5,6)]).