I've been coding for a couple of years now and have never experienced this problem. I'm trying to declare a variable and the "I call it intelli-help" stops functioning not allowing me to declare a variable. Example
I'll type:
"Dim" then space to type the variable name and immediately the word Dim changes to red the cursor moves from the spaced position back the m in Dim. If I force the the declaration of a variable by typing it lets say in note pad or word pad then paste it into my access application then It will work.
Dim mytestVar as integer ' I just typed this into my browser and copied back to Access and that's fine. Now if I
try to use that variable I'll type it's name and try to put an "=" after the name and everything turns red.
mytestVar= ' this is as far as I can get.
I'll type:
"Dim" then space to type the variable name and immediately the word Dim changes to red the cursor moves from the spaced position back the m in Dim. If I force the the declaration of a variable by typing it lets say in note pad or word pad then paste it into my access application then It will work.
Dim mytestVar as integer ' I just typed this into my browser and copied back to Access and that's fine. Now if I
try to use that variable I'll type it's name and try to put an "=" after the name and everything turns red.
mytestVar= ' this is as far as I can get.