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Problem with dataTable fill

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Apr 3, 2002
I have built a report and am trying to fill the dataTable with a stored procedure. I am receiving a similar message for each column I'm returning to the dataTable: "Argument not specified for 'parm_Active' of 'Public Overridable Overloads Function Fill(dataTable as AMSDataSet.sp_Select_DelvStat_by_ZipCodeTable,...)" where, in this case, parm_Active is the column returned to the dataTable. I've built the dataset with the dataset designer and am assuming it took care of parameter specificaion and return column values on its own. Maybe not.

You can probably guess I'm relatively new at this, but any help would be greatly appreciated!


what version of asp.net, 1.1 or 2.0? can you show your codebehind that fills the ds and the HTML?


Thanks for the response. I'm using VS2005 to generate a WinForms app, sorry no ASP. Here's the code giving me a problem, it's so simple I don't see anything wrong, unless VS isn't doing what I think it's doing.

    Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
        'TODO: This line of code loads data into the 'AccelMailSvcDataSet.sp_Select_DelvStat_by_ZipCode' table. You can move, or remove it, as needed.


    End Sub
sorry though i was in the asp.net forum. You have to specify the values for your parameters:


<yourtableadapter>.fill(<yourdatatable>,parm1, parm2, ..etc)
OK, the light is beginning to come on, except the tableadapter is is wanting me to declare parms for the output columns of the stored procedure. (I have only one input parm.) Declaring these are the only way to resolve all the program errors. The 'output' data should fill the 'yourdatatable'. Even though these return fields have been declared 'OUTPUT' in the stored procedure, it seems like the table adapter is expecting them to be 'input'.

I'm missing something here.

Thanks for your help.
not sure why that would be happening...I will do some testing.. let me know if you get it resolved
OK, my suspicions were confirmed from my previous post. My stored procedure with the declared 'OUTPUT' parms made the datatable require input parameters, even for the 'OUTPUT' parameters. I don't know if you experienced .NET developers would call this a bug, but it's certainly an anomaly in my book.

Thanks jbenson001 for your help. You got me pointed in the right direction and I sloughed it out from there.

This board is a lifeline.
If you are using the SP to fill a dataset, then you don't need an OUTPUT parameter. I would remove it, and just have a select to return what you want. Then you should have to problems..

Good Luck


Thanks for the tip. Yes, I had create a new stored procedure and remove all OUTPUT parameters. This allowed the fill to work correctly.

Once again, thanks for your help.

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