This thing has been driving me nuts. Any help would be much appreciated! I have the following query...
SELECT tbl_Cats.*, tbl_OpenProjects.St, Count(tbl_OpenProjects.CatID) AS NoOfProjects
FROM tbl_Cats
LEFT JOIN tbl_OpenProjects ON tbl_Cats.CatID = tbl_OpenProjects.CatID
WHERE tbl_OpenProjects.St = '#Cookie.State#'
GROUP BY tbl_OpenProjects.St, tbl_Cats.CatID, tbl_OpenProjects.CatID
tbl_Cats is the category table. This query lists all of the categories and a count for the # of Open Projects per category. But when I add "WHERE tbl_OpenProjects.St = '#Cookie.State#'" it only lists categories which have 1 or more Open Projects and does not include the categories that have 0 Projects. I'm trying to get it to list all categories with a count of the number of open projects but only count open projects that belong to a particular state. For some reason, when I try to do this it also affects the category list. Any suggestions? I using MySQL
Thanks in advanced!
SELECT tbl_Cats.*, tbl_OpenProjects.St, Count(tbl_OpenProjects.CatID) AS NoOfProjects
FROM tbl_Cats
LEFT JOIN tbl_OpenProjects ON tbl_Cats.CatID = tbl_OpenProjects.CatID
WHERE tbl_OpenProjects.St = '#Cookie.State#'
GROUP BY tbl_OpenProjects.St, tbl_Cats.CatID, tbl_OpenProjects.CatID
tbl_Cats is the category table. This query lists all of the categories and a count for the # of Open Projects per category. But when I add "WHERE tbl_OpenProjects.St = '#Cookie.State#'" it only lists categories which have 1 or more Open Projects and does not include the categories that have 0 Projects. I'm trying to get it to list all categories with a count of the number of open projects but only count open projects that belong to a particular state. For some reason, when I try to do this it also affects the category list. Any suggestions? I using MySQL
Thanks in advanced!