I need a little help with my code. I have an array of digits that doesn't have specific bound. When that bound of array is greater than 4, i have to take all the possible combinations per quartet.
I will give an example to understand with characters, i believe it helps more.
Let's give an example supposingly our Array has the following elements a b c d e f
I need to take the following combinations, a b c d, a b c e, a b c f, a b d e, a b d f, a b e f, a c d e, a c d f, a c e f, a d e f, b c d e, b c d f, b c e f, b d e f, c d e f.
My code is the following and my array keeps indexes, for facility TmpArr has the following elements 0 1 2 3 4 5 but it doesn't serve all the combinations I need, I don't know what I miss in the logic. May anybody help me understand better or guide me so that to solve it??? Any help will be much appreciated. Thank you so much in advanced.
Private Sub Form1_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
Dim arr(6) As Integer
arr(0) = 0 : arr(1) = 1 : arr(2) = 2 : arr(3) = 3 : arr(4) = 4 : arr(5) = 10 : arr(6) = 5
Dim cnt As Byte
For i As Byte = 0 To arr.Length - 1
If arr(i) <> 10 Then
cnt += 1
End If
Dim TmpArrLst As New List(Of Integer)
For i As Byte = 0 To arr.Length - 1
If arr(i) <> 10 Then
End If
Dim quarteto As New ArrayList
Dim QuartetoClone As New ArrayList
Dim QuartetosLst As New ArrayList
Dim iQ As Byte = 0
Dim TetradesCnt As Byte = 0
For i As Byte = 0 To TmpArrLst.Count - 1
If iQ < 4 Then
iQ += 1
End If
If iQ = 4 Then
iQ = 0
TetradesCnt += 1
Exit For
End If
Dim QuartetoLastElement As Integer = quarteto(quarteto.Count - 1)
Combinatios (quarteto, TmpArrLst, QuartetosLst, QuartetoLastElement)
End Sub
Public Sub Combinations(ByRef Quarteto As ArrayList, ByRef tmpArr As List(Of Integer), ByRef QuartetoLst As ArrayList, ByVal QuartetoLastElement As Integer, _
Optional ByVal indx As Byte = 0)
Dim i As Byte = 1
Dim Value As Integer = QuartetoLastElement
Dim NewQuarteto As New ArrayList
Dim TmpQuarteto As New ArrayList
NewQuarteto = Quarteto.Clone
Dim value2 As Integer
While QuartetoLastElement < tmpArr(tmpArr.Count - 1)
if indx <> 0 Then
value2 = indx
If QuartetoLastElement + 1 = Quarteto.Count - 1 Then
NewQuarteto(QuartetoLastElement) = value2
For iii As Integer = indx + 1 To tmpArr.Count - 1
NewQuarteto(QuartetoLastElement + 1) = iii
NewQuarteto = New ArrayList
TmpQuarteto = QuartetoLst(QuartetoLst.Count - 1)
NewQuarteto = TmpQuarteto.Clone
ElseIf QuartetoLastElement + 1 <= Quarteto.Count - 1 Then
Dim Difference As Integer
Dim metritis As Integer = tmpArr.IndexOf(QuartetoLastElement)
value2 = tmpArr.IndexOf(indx)
Difference = ((Quarteto.Count - 1) - metritis)
If Difference > 1 Then
value2 += indx
NewQuarteto(Difference) = value2
If Difference + 1 = Quarteto.Count - 1 Then
NewQuarteto = New ArrayList
TmpQuarteto = QuartetoLst(QuartetoLst.Count - 1)
NewQuarteto = TmpQuarteto.Clone
End If
End If
End If
Value = TmpQuarteto(TmpQuarteto.Count - 1)
i += 1
Value += 1
NewQuarteto(QuartetoLastElement) = Value
NewQuarteto = New ArrayList
TmpQuarteto = QuartetoLst(QuartetoLst.Count - 1)
NewQuarteto = TmpQuarteto.Clone
End If
If Value = tmpArr(tmpArr.Count - 1) Then
If i <= 4 Then i += 1
QuartetoLastElement = Quarteto(Quarteto.Count - i)
Quarteto = New ArrayList
Quarteto = QuartetoLst(QuartetoLst.Count - 1)
indx = QuartetoLastElement + 1
Combinations(Quarteto, tmpArr, QuartetoLst, QuartetoLastElement, indx)
End If
End While
End Sub
I will give an example to understand with characters, i believe it helps more.
Let's give an example supposingly our Array has the following elements a b c d e f
I need to take the following combinations, a b c d, a b c e, a b c f, a b d e, a b d f, a b e f, a c d e, a c d f, a c e f, a d e f, b c d e, b c d f, b c e f, b d e f, c d e f.
My code is the following and my array keeps indexes, for facility TmpArr has the following elements 0 1 2 3 4 5 but it doesn't serve all the combinations I need, I don't know what I miss in the logic. May anybody help me understand better or guide me so that to solve it??? Any help will be much appreciated. Thank you so much in advanced.
Private Sub Form1_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
Dim arr(6) As Integer
arr(0) = 0 : arr(1) = 1 : arr(2) = 2 : arr(3) = 3 : arr(4) = 4 : arr(5) = 10 : arr(6) = 5
Dim cnt As Byte
For i As Byte = 0 To arr.Length - 1
If arr(i) <> 10 Then
cnt += 1
End If
Dim TmpArrLst As New List(Of Integer)
For i As Byte = 0 To arr.Length - 1
If arr(i) <> 10 Then
End If
Dim quarteto As New ArrayList
Dim QuartetoClone As New ArrayList
Dim QuartetosLst As New ArrayList
Dim iQ As Byte = 0
Dim TetradesCnt As Byte = 0
For i As Byte = 0 To TmpArrLst.Count - 1
If iQ < 4 Then
iQ += 1
End If
If iQ = 4 Then
iQ = 0
TetradesCnt += 1
Exit For
End If
Dim QuartetoLastElement As Integer = quarteto(quarteto.Count - 1)
Combinatios (quarteto, TmpArrLst, QuartetosLst, QuartetoLastElement)
End Sub
Public Sub Combinations(ByRef Quarteto As ArrayList, ByRef tmpArr As List(Of Integer), ByRef QuartetoLst As ArrayList, ByVal QuartetoLastElement As Integer, _
Optional ByVal indx As Byte = 0)
Dim i As Byte = 1
Dim Value As Integer = QuartetoLastElement
Dim NewQuarteto As New ArrayList
Dim TmpQuarteto As New ArrayList
NewQuarteto = Quarteto.Clone
Dim value2 As Integer
While QuartetoLastElement < tmpArr(tmpArr.Count - 1)
if indx <> 0 Then
value2 = indx
If QuartetoLastElement + 1 = Quarteto.Count - 1 Then
NewQuarteto(QuartetoLastElement) = value2
For iii As Integer = indx + 1 To tmpArr.Count - 1
NewQuarteto(QuartetoLastElement + 1) = iii
NewQuarteto = New ArrayList
TmpQuarteto = QuartetoLst(QuartetoLst.Count - 1)
NewQuarteto = TmpQuarteto.Clone
ElseIf QuartetoLastElement + 1 <= Quarteto.Count - 1 Then
Dim Difference As Integer
Dim metritis As Integer = tmpArr.IndexOf(QuartetoLastElement)
value2 = tmpArr.IndexOf(indx)
Difference = ((Quarteto.Count - 1) - metritis)
If Difference > 1 Then
value2 += indx
NewQuarteto(Difference) = value2
If Difference + 1 = Quarteto.Count - 1 Then
NewQuarteto = New ArrayList
TmpQuarteto = QuartetoLst(QuartetoLst.Count - 1)
NewQuarteto = TmpQuarteto.Clone
End If
End If
End If
Value = TmpQuarteto(TmpQuarteto.Count - 1)
i += 1
Value += 1
NewQuarteto(QuartetoLastElement) = Value
NewQuarteto = New ArrayList
TmpQuarteto = QuartetoLst(QuartetoLst.Count - 1)
NewQuarteto = TmpQuarteto.Clone
End If
If Value = tmpArr(tmpArr.Count - 1) Then
If i <= 4 Then i += 1
QuartetoLastElement = Quarteto(Quarteto.Count - i)
Quarteto = New ArrayList
Quarteto = QuartetoLst(QuartetoLst.Count - 1)
indx = QuartetoLastElement + 1
Combinations(Quarteto, tmpArr, QuartetoLst, QuartetoLastElement, indx)
End If
End While
End Sub