Technical User
I have this code that I received from RandyMyers in another post, but I keep getting an error message that the information is undefined. I have pasted it nearlt exactly as it was online. Please help. Yes, I am a newbie.
The module is:
Option Compare Database
Public Function basActiveCtrl(Ctl As Control) As Boolean
Select Case Ctl.ControlType
Case Is = acTextBox
basActiveCtrl = True
Case Is = acLabel
Case Is = acRectangle
Case Is = acLine
Case Is = acImage
Case Is = acCommandButton
Case Is = acOptionButton
Case Is = acCheckBox
basActiveCtrl = True
Case Is = acOptionGroup
Case Is = acBoundObjectFrame
Case Is = acListBox
basActiveCtrl = True
Case Is = acComboBox
basActiveCtrl = True
Case Is = acSubform
Case Is = acObjectFrame
Case Is = acPageBreak
Case Is = acPage
Case Is = acCustomControl
Case Is = acToggleButton
Case Is = acTabCtl
End Select
End Function
Public Function basAddHist(Hist As String, frm As String, MyKeyName As String, MyCtrl As Control)
Dim dbs As DAO.Database
Dim tblAuditTrail As DAO.Recordset
Set dbs = CurrentDb
Set tblAuditTrail = dbs.OpenRecordset(Hist, dbOpenDynaset, dbSeeChanges)
With tblAuditTrail
!MyKey = Forms(frm).Controls(MyKeyName)
!MyKeyName = MyKeyName
!frmName = frm
!FldName = MyCtrl.ControlSource
!dtChg = Now()
!UserId = Environ("Username")
!OldVal = MyCtrl.OldValue
!NewVal = MyCtrl
End With
End Function
Public Function basLogTrans(frm As Form, MyKeyName As Variant, MyKey As Variant) As String
Dim MyDb As DAO.Database
Dim MyCtrl As Control
Dim MyMsg As String
Dim Hist As String
For Each MyCtrl In frm.Controls
If (basActiveCtrl(MyCtrl)) Then
If ((MyCtrl.Value <> MyCtrl.OldValue) _
Or (IsNull(MyCtrl) And Not IsNull(MyCtrl.OldValue)) _
Or (Not IsNull(MyCtrl) And IsNull(MyCtrl.OldValue))) Then
Hist = "dbo_AuditTrail"
Call basAddHist(Hist, frm.NAME, MyKey.NAME, MyCtrl)
End If
End If
Next MyCtrl
basLogTrans = True
End Function
I pasted the call at the BeforeUpdate for the Form as:
Private Sub Form_BeforeUpdate(cancel As Integer)
Call basLogTrans(Me, "Key Filed Name", KeyField)
End Sub
When I go to make a change on the form and then press the close button I receive a compile error : User-defined type not defined.
Please help.
Thank You
The module is:
Option Compare Database
Public Function basActiveCtrl(Ctl As Control) As Boolean
Select Case Ctl.ControlType
Case Is = acTextBox
basActiveCtrl = True
Case Is = acLabel
Case Is = acRectangle
Case Is = acLine
Case Is = acImage
Case Is = acCommandButton
Case Is = acOptionButton
Case Is = acCheckBox
basActiveCtrl = True
Case Is = acOptionGroup
Case Is = acBoundObjectFrame
Case Is = acListBox
basActiveCtrl = True
Case Is = acComboBox
basActiveCtrl = True
Case Is = acSubform
Case Is = acObjectFrame
Case Is = acPageBreak
Case Is = acPage
Case Is = acCustomControl
Case Is = acToggleButton
Case Is = acTabCtl
End Select
End Function
Public Function basAddHist(Hist As String, frm As String, MyKeyName As String, MyCtrl As Control)
Dim dbs As DAO.Database
Dim tblAuditTrail As DAO.Recordset
Set dbs = CurrentDb
Set tblAuditTrail = dbs.OpenRecordset(Hist, dbOpenDynaset, dbSeeChanges)
With tblAuditTrail
!MyKey = Forms(frm).Controls(MyKeyName)
!MyKeyName = MyKeyName
!frmName = frm
!FldName = MyCtrl.ControlSource
!dtChg = Now()
!UserId = Environ("Username")
!OldVal = MyCtrl.OldValue
!NewVal = MyCtrl
End With
End Function
Public Function basLogTrans(frm As Form, MyKeyName As Variant, MyKey As Variant) As String
Dim MyDb As DAO.Database
Dim MyCtrl As Control
Dim MyMsg As String
Dim Hist As String
For Each MyCtrl In frm.Controls
If (basActiveCtrl(MyCtrl)) Then
If ((MyCtrl.Value <> MyCtrl.OldValue) _
Or (IsNull(MyCtrl) And Not IsNull(MyCtrl.OldValue)) _
Or (Not IsNull(MyCtrl) And IsNull(MyCtrl.OldValue))) Then
Hist = "dbo_AuditTrail"
Call basAddHist(Hist, frm.NAME, MyKey.NAME, MyCtrl)
End If
End If
Next MyCtrl
basLogTrans = True
End Function
I pasted the call at the BeforeUpdate for the Form as:
Private Sub Form_BeforeUpdate(cancel As Integer)
Call basLogTrans(Me, "Key Filed Name", KeyField)
End Sub
When I go to make a change on the form and then press the close button I receive a compile error : User-defined type not defined.
Please help.
Thank You