I am having an issue and I think it is the server but want to make sure. I have changed the coding so much to minimalize what could be causing the error hence the simplistic queries. The output is perfect at the end and I can paste it into the sql online and it works. Is there a way on a coldfusion server to block the update from the server?
This is my code
This is the output when I block the update query otherwise I get an error with no info.
Which works fine.
If you can't stand behind your troops, stand in front of them.
Semper Fidelis
This is my code
<cfinclude template="security.cfm">
<cfif !isdefined("session.admin")>
<cflocation url="denied.cfm">
<cfquery name="get_cities" datasource="#request.dsn#">
SELECT * FROM state_cities WHERE yr2012 IS NULL LIMIT 2
<cfloop query="get_cities">
<cfquery name="get_county" datasource="#request.dsn#">
SELECT county FROM zip_code WHERE city='#get_cities.name#' AND state_prefix='#get_cities.state#'
<cfquery name="get_2012" datasource="#request.dsn#">
SELECT *,((unemployed/labor_force)*100) AS unemppct FROM employment WHERE county LIKE '%#get_county.county# County, #get_cities.state#%' AND info_year='2012'
<cfquery name="get_2011" datasource="#request.dsn#">
SELECT *,((unemployed/labor_force)*100) AS unemppct FROM employment WHERE county LIKE '%#get_county.county# County, #get_cities.state#%' AND info_year='2011'
<cfquery name="get_2010" datasource="#request.dsn#">
SELECT *,((unemployed/labor_force)*100) AS unemppct FROM employment WHERE county LIKE '%#get_county.county# County, #get_cities.state#%' AND info_year='2010'
<cfquery name="get_2009" datasource="#request.dsn#">
SELECT *,((unemployed/labor_force)*100) AS unemppct FROM employment WHERE county LIKE '%#get_county.county# County, #get_cities.state#%' AND info_year='2009'
<cfquery name="get_2008" datasource="#request.dsn#">
SELECT *,((unemployed/labor_force)*100) AS unemppct FROM employment WHERE county LIKE '%#get_county.county# County, #get_cities.state#%' AND info_year='2008'
UPDATE state_cities SET yr2012='#get_2012.unemppct#',yr2011='#get_2011.unemppct#',yr2010='#get_2010.unemppct#',yr2009='#get_2009.unemppct#',yr2008='#get_2008.unemppct#' WHERE city_id=#get_cities.city_id#
<cfquery name="update_info" datasource="#request.dsn#">
UPDATE state_cities SET yr2012='#get_2012.unemppct#',yr2011='#get_2011.unemppct#',yr2010='#get_2010.unemppct#',yr2009='#get_2009.unemppct#',yr2008='#get_2008.unemppct#' WHERE city_id=#get_cities.city_id#
This is the output when I block the update query otherwise I get an error with no info.
UPDATE state_cities SET yr2012='4.80769230769',yr2011='5.76923076923',yr2010='5.94059405941',yr2009='6.06060606061',yr2008='3' WHERE city_id=5
Which works fine.
If you can't stand behind your troops, stand in front of them.
Semper Fidelis