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Problem with CFMAIL tag

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May 30, 2002
We are having a problem when ColdFusion replaces two variables inside a CFMAIL tag. If there is no normal text between two variable substitutions, ColdFusion drops the carriage return line feeds that format the text into paragraphs.

I have attached source code which has three examples in it.
1) demonstration of the problem
2) work around by using a period after the first variable
3) replacing the two juxtaposed variables with a work around variable definition

Source Code:
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">



<!--- setup some memory variables for this test. Use instead of normal FORM variables --->
<CFSET assignor = "John Q. Assignor"/>
<CFSET actnItemId = 10/>
<CFSET aiTextRev = 2/>
<CFSET actnItemSubj = "The subject line goes here"/>
<CFSET actnReqd = "Perform an analysis of the submitted data item."/>
<CFSET dueDate = "Oct 13, 2005"/> 

<!--- Example One: demonstration of the problem --->
   SUBJECT="Example One Test of juxtaposed pound signs">

    Assignor: #VARIABLES.assignor#
 Action Item: #VARIABLES.actnItemId#
    Revision: #VARIABLES.aiTextRev#
Assignment Date: #dateFormat('Oct 09, 2005', "mmm dd, yyyy")#
     Subject: #VARIABLES.actnItemSubj#


Resubmit a rewrite of your Response to the above Action Item Assignment by 
#VARIABLES.dueDate#.  If you have any questions regarding my disposition action, please 
contact me at your earliest opportunity.


<!--- Example Two: use of period after subject to 'fool' ColdFusion --->
   SUBJECT="Example One Test of juxtaposed pound signs">

    Assignor: #VARIABLES.assignor#
 Action Item: #VARIABLES.actnItemId#
    Revision: #VARIABLES.aiTextRev#
Assignment Date: #dateFormat('Oct 09, 2005', "mmm dd, yyyy")#
     Subject: #VARIABLES.actnItemSubj#.


Resubmit a rewrite of your Response to the above Action Item Assignment by 
#VARIABLES.dueDate#.  If you have any questions regarding my disposition action, please 
contact me at your earliest opportunity.


<!--- Example Three: use of work around variable definition to eliminate the two 
      ColdFusion variables side by side.  This version has no extra, unwanted 
      characters in the email message --->
<CFSET workAroundVar = VARIABLES.actnItemSubj & CHR(10) & CHR(13) & VARIABLES.actnReqd/>
   SUBJECT="Example Two Test of juxtaposed pound signs">

    Assignor: #VARIABLES.assignor#
 Action Item: #VARIABLES.actnItemId#
    Revision: #VARIABLES.aiTextRev#
Assignment Date: #dateFormat('Oct 09, 2005', "mmm dd, yyyy")#
     Subject: #workAroundVar#

Resubmit a rewrite of your Response to the above Action Item Assignment by 
#VARIABLES.dueDate#.  If you have any questions regarding my disposition action, please 
contact me at your earliest opportunity.


use type = "html" and put <br> in the mail where you want line breaks

We've heard that a million monkeys at a million keyboards could produce the complete works of Shakespeare; now, thanks to the Internet, we know that is not true.
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