Hi there!
I am having trouble using Bwiget Titleframe widget, in the example below
#exec wish ${1+"$@"}
package require BWidget
frame .fmtype -borderwidth 2 -relief sunken
pack .fmtype -side top -fill x
set topf [frame .fmtype.topf]
set titf1 [TitleFrame $topf.titf1 -text "Label"]
set titf2 [TitleFrame $topf.titf2 -text "Entry"]
pack $titf1 $titf2 -side left -fill both -padx 4 -expand yes
pack $topf -pady 2 -fill x
label $topf.titf1.label2 -text "toto: "
pack $topf.titf1.label2
label $topf.titf2.label2 -text "tutu: "
pack $topf.titf2.label2
I would like the labels toto and tutu to be displayed inside the TitleFrames Label and Entry and they display underneath. It's like the fill option does not work in TitleFrame.
I am having trouble using Bwiget Titleframe widget, in the example below
#exec wish ${1+"$@"}
package require BWidget
frame .fmtype -borderwidth 2 -relief sunken
pack .fmtype -side top -fill x
set topf [frame .fmtype.topf]
set titf1 [TitleFrame $topf.titf1 -text "Label"]
set titf2 [TitleFrame $topf.titf2 -text "Entry"]
pack $titf1 $titf2 -side left -fill both -padx 4 -expand yes
pack $topf -pady 2 -fill x
label $topf.titf1.label2 -text "toto: "
pack $topf.titf1.label2
label $topf.titf2.label2 -text "tutu: "
pack $topf.titf2.label2
I would like the labels toto and tutu to be displayed inside the TitleFrames Label and Entry and they display underneath. It's like the fill option does not work in TitleFrame.