On the page I am working on, I use a stored procedure to search actors resumes by gender, ethnicity, age, and keywords.
Here is how my ASP code look like:
resGender = String(Request.Form("resGender");
resAgeRange = String(Request.Form("resAge");
resEthnicity = ( String(Request.Form("resEthnicity") == "undefined" ? "" : String(Request.Form("resEthnicity") );
resKeyword = ( String(Request.Form("resKeyword") == "undefined" ? "" : String(Request.Form("resKeyword") );
cmdSearchResults = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Command"
with (cmdSearchResults)
ActiveConnection = connTviDB;
CommandType = adCmdStoredProc;
CommandText = "uspResSimpleSearch";
rsSearch = Execute();
//Here I work with recordset...
totalRecs = cmdSearchResults.Parameters("@totalRecs".Value;
Here is the code for sproc:
CREATE PROC uspResSimpleSearch
@resGender varchar(6),
@resEthnicity varchar(50),
@resAgeRange varchar(25),
@resKeyword varchar(255),
@totalRecs int OUTPUT
SELECT resFirstName, resLastName, resumeID, resFilename
FROM resPersonalInfo
WHERE resGender = @resGender AND
resEthnicity LIKE '%' + @resEthnicity + '%' AND
resAgeRange LIKE '%' + @resAgeRange + '%' AND
resKeyword LIKE '%' + @resKeyword + '%'
resFilename DESC
SELECT @totalRecs = @@ROWCOUNT
Here is my problem:
when I don't specify ethnicity or age, it is passed to sproc as ''. Once there, it would be assembled ('%' + '' + '%') and would match anything.
The problem is that when I don't specify one of the parameters, the search does not return any results.
However, when I use Query Analizer to run a stored procedure from SQL Server environment, everything works...
Here is the code for Query Analizer:
DECLARE @resGender varchar(6)
DECLARE @resEthnicity varchar(50)
DECLARE @resAgeRange varchar(25)
DECLARE @resKeyword varchar(255)
DECLARE @totalRecs int
SET @resGender = 'female'
SET @resEthnicity = 'asian'
SET @resAgeRange = ''
SET @resKeyword = ''
EXECUTE uspResSimpleSearch @resGender,@resEthnicity,@resAgeRange,@resKeyword, @totalRecs
So the question is:
Any ideas why everything works from Query Analizer and does not work from ASP??
Can it be that '%' + @parameterName + '%' is not the way to go? Anyone can think of a better SQL stmt where an empty ('') parameter will not limit search results?
Hope you can help...
On the page I am working on, I use a stored procedure to search actors resumes by gender, ethnicity, age, and keywords.
Here is how my ASP code look like:
resGender = String(Request.Form("resGender");
resAgeRange = String(Request.Form("resAge");
resEthnicity = ( String(Request.Form("resEthnicity") == "undefined" ? "" : String(Request.Form("resEthnicity") );
resKeyword = ( String(Request.Form("resKeyword") == "undefined" ? "" : String(Request.Form("resKeyword") );
cmdSearchResults = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Command"
with (cmdSearchResults)
ActiveConnection = connTviDB;
CommandType = adCmdStoredProc;
CommandText = "uspResSimpleSearch";
rsSearch = Execute();
//Here I work with recordset...
totalRecs = cmdSearchResults.Parameters("@totalRecs".Value;
Here is the code for sproc:
CREATE PROC uspResSimpleSearch
@resGender varchar(6),
@resEthnicity varchar(50),
@resAgeRange varchar(25),
@resKeyword varchar(255),
@totalRecs int OUTPUT
SELECT resFirstName, resLastName, resumeID, resFilename
FROM resPersonalInfo
WHERE resGender = @resGender AND
resEthnicity LIKE '%' + @resEthnicity + '%' AND
resAgeRange LIKE '%' + @resAgeRange + '%' AND
resKeyword LIKE '%' + @resKeyword + '%'
resFilename DESC
SELECT @totalRecs = @@ROWCOUNT
Here is my problem:
when I don't specify ethnicity or age, it is passed to sproc as ''. Once there, it would be assembled ('%' + '' + '%') and would match anything.
The problem is that when I don't specify one of the parameters, the search does not return any results.
However, when I use Query Analizer to run a stored procedure from SQL Server environment, everything works...
Here is the code for Query Analizer:
DECLARE @resGender varchar(6)
DECLARE @resEthnicity varchar(50)
DECLARE @resAgeRange varchar(25)
DECLARE @resKeyword varchar(255)
DECLARE @totalRecs int
SET @resGender = 'female'
SET @resEthnicity = 'asian'
SET @resAgeRange = ''
SET @resKeyword = ''
EXECUTE uspResSimpleSearch @resGender,@resEthnicity,@resAgeRange,@resKeyword, @totalRecs
So the question is:
Any ideas why everything works from Query Analizer and does not work from ASP??
Can it be that '%' + @parameterName + '%' is not the way to go? Anyone can think of a better SQL stmt where an empty ('') parameter will not limit search results?
Hope you can help...