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Problem with a SQL Query with VB 6 1

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Oct 24, 2002
When I executes this query, I get this error, and I really don't know why. And I can't test the query result on the query analyser of Sql Server tools. Can anybody could me help figure out what could be my problem.

This error is showing when I try to open the connection
Run-Time error '-2147217900(80040e14)
Syntax error or access violation

Here's the query

sSql2 = "SHAPE {SELECT Description, committeeID FROM tabLstCommittee} " & _
"AS comCommittee APPEND ({SELECT tabPeopleOther.strFname & ' ' & " & _
"tabPeopleOther.strLname AS strFname, tabPeopleOther.lngPhone, " & _
"tabPeopleOther.lngBusPhone, tabPeopleOther.strEmail, tabCommittees.CommitID, " & _
"tabCommittees.strPosition, tabCommittees.bRemoved FROM tabCommittees, " & _
"tabPeopleOther WHERE tabCommittees.MemberID = tabPeopleOther.PersonID AND " & _
"tabCommittees.bRemoved = 0} AS comMembers RELATE 'Description' TO 'CommitID') " & _
"AS comMembers"
objrs.Open sSql2, strDSN, adOpenStatic, adLockReadOnly

What have you already checked?

-used a simple query to determine connection string is ok?
-used a debug.print to verify that sql statement being passed looks as you expected?
-tested pieces of your query prior to putting it all together?

I wouldn't want to reinvent the wheel. I am not familiar with "SHAPE" and when I tried to use it in Query Analyser it said it didn't recognize it.
Be careful when using Shape you cannot use a normal connection string. You have to use the SHAPE Provider. The first thing I would check is the Cursor. You CANNOT use Server Side Cursors with the SHAPE Command.

Brian Gillham
FailSafe Systems
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