I tried to invoke JS function which exists in same page and I have src="validation.js" too. I got error and i am able to invoke same function with out src="validation.js"
Can U tell me what's the problem I had when I tried with function from current page and src="validation.js". Can't i do like that.
<SCRIPT language="JavaScript" src="../javaScript/Validation.js">
function dothis() {
// some stuff
I tried to invoke JS function which exists in same page and I have src="validation.js" too. I got error and i am able to invoke same function with out src="validation.js"
Can U tell me what's the problem I had when I tried with function from current page and src="validation.js". Can't i do like that.
<SCRIPT language="JavaScript" src="../javaScript/Validation.js">
function dothis() {
// some stuff