I have added user 'etigers' as a sudo user in the visudo file. The user should be able to execute the commands stated without inserting a password. However, this is not the case, as the user is still prompted for a password when he executes both the commands. This is how the user privilege section looks for the user etiger :
Pls help me resolve this issue.
I have added user 'etigers' as a sudo user in the visudo file. The user should be able to execute the commands stated without inserting a password. However, this is not the case, as the user is still prompted for a password when he executes both the commands. This is how the user privilege section looks for the user etiger :
## User privilege specification
#emokchee ALL=NOPASSWD: /usr/local/bin/lsof
etigers ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:/bscsbin/bscst4/lisa/product/UMOBILE/prod/bscs/bin/hpux11_ia64.x/dmh, /usr/local/bin/sudo su - bscst4
root ALL=(ALL) ALL
#%bscs ALL=(ALL) ALL
#emokchee ALL=NOPASSWD: /usr/local/bin/lsof
#etigers ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: /usr/local/bin/sudo su - bscst4, /bscsbin/bscst4/lisa/product/UMOBILE/prod/bscs/bin/hpux11_ia64.x/dmh
Pls help me resolve this issue.