Hi all .
I tried the following code to pass the 2 char values that i want to post to my php file. I used a php script that normally writes post request to mysql db but in this case it creates a record for both data but no data in. I checked using form post and it worked whell but not in vb6!!could u tell me what is probably wrong?Thanks
I tried the following code to pass the 2 char values that i want to post to my php file. I used a php script that normally writes post request to mysql db but in this case it creates a record for both data but no data in. I checked using form post and it worked whell but not in vb6!!could u tell me what is probably wrong?Thanks
Private Sub Form_Load()
Dim var1 As String
'var1 = "test1=434&test2=3434"
Inet1.Execute "[URL unfurl="true"]http://www.mysite.com/.php?",[/URL] "POST", "test1=hi&test2=no"
End Sub