Has anyone used freeWrap to make an executable of
Tcl/tk and a "c" .dll ?? After I wrap the files,
if I remove the Tcl dir, I get the following
>>Error sourcing /MISC-PROJs/01-ATS/code9/junk5/ats.tcl: couldn't load library "C:\MISC-PROJs\01-ATS\code9\junk5\ats.dll": this library or a dependent library could not be found in library path
It appears like it can't find the ats.dll in the
wrapped file, Any help would be apprecaited.
An example with a *.dll (for c) would be great!!
Thanks :-(
Tcl/tk and a "c" .dll ?? After I wrap the files,
if I remove the Tcl dir, I get the following
>>Error sourcing /MISC-PROJs/01-ATS/code9/junk5/ats.tcl: couldn't load library "C:\MISC-PROJs\01-ATS\code9\junk5\ats.dll": this library or a dependent library could not be found in library path
It appears like it can't find the ats.dll in the
wrapped file, Any help would be apprecaited.
An example with a *.dll (for c) would be great!!
Thanks :-(