I have a report displaying applications by people to particular courses. The report contains the following text box to display offer criteria. By Offer criteria I mean a simple sentence stating ‘for this course you must have passed this previous course’ etc..
txtPersonCode is a text box with a control source of [Person_code], txtOfferCode is a text box with a control source of [Offer_code]. The problem im having with the report is that the text box is displaying offer criteria for all the applications that a person may have for that year. I only want it to display the current record.
The Get Offer() function uses the following code;
Public Function GetOffer(nPerson As Long, sOffer As String) As String
Dim rs As DAO.Recordset
Dim sOfferString As String
'Get the offer elements for this offer code
Set db = CurrentDb
Set rs = db.OpenRecordset("SELECT [OfferElements].* " & _
"FROM [OfferElements] " & _
"WHERE [OfferElements].[OFFER_CODE] = '" & sOffer & "' " & _
"AND per_person_code = " & nPerson & ";")
With rs
sOfferString = ""
Do While Not .EOF
If ![OFFER_CODE] = 33 Then
sOfferString = sOfferString & Trim(!COMMENTS) & " "
sOfferString = sOfferString & Trim(!OFFER_DESCRIPTION) & " "
End If
End With
GetOffer = Trim(sOfferString)
End Function
As it is not a report I have created myself I’m finding it difficult to work out what the function is doing and what I need to change. It would appear that it is only using the person code and offer code field for a person. How would I amend the text box above and the function above to include a field called AU_Number. (number field) This is a unique number so should only print the offer criteria for one record. How would I amend the query above to include the Au_number field? The field exists with the OfferElements table. Then, would I need to amend the text box as well?
txtPersonCode is a text box with a control source of [Person_code], txtOfferCode is a text box with a control source of [Offer_code]. The problem im having with the report is that the text box is displaying offer criteria for all the applications that a person may have for that year. I only want it to display the current record.
The Get Offer() function uses the following code;
Public Function GetOffer(nPerson As Long, sOffer As String) As String
Dim rs As DAO.Recordset
Dim sOfferString As String
'Get the offer elements for this offer code
Set db = CurrentDb
Set rs = db.OpenRecordset("SELECT [OfferElements].* " & _
"FROM [OfferElements] " & _
"WHERE [OfferElements].[OFFER_CODE] = '" & sOffer & "' " & _
"AND per_person_code = " & nPerson & ";")
With rs
sOfferString = ""
Do While Not .EOF
If ![OFFER_CODE] = 33 Then
sOfferString = sOfferString & Trim(!COMMENTS) & " "
sOfferString = sOfferString & Trim(!OFFER_DESCRIPTION) & " "
End If
End With
GetOffer = Trim(sOfferString)
End Function
As it is not a report I have created myself I’m finding it difficult to work out what the function is doing and what I need to change. It would appear that it is only using the person code and offer code field for a person. How would I amend the text box above and the function above to include a field called AU_Number. (number field) This is a unique number so should only print the offer criteria for one record. How would I amend the query above to include the Au_number field? The field exists with the OfferElements table. Then, would I need to amend the text box as well?