I am currently having big problems trying to set up the reports server (i am attempting to deploy oracle forms and reports on the web).
When I try to start the server in services (windows NT) the following error is displayed "error 186". I have looked in the relevant troubleshooting section in the reports documentation and it simply suggests the error is normally due to the tnsnames.ora or sqlnet.ora files being incorrect. I have now checked these and I still have the same error.
Following the installation of the reports server I was asked to perform the following actions manually:
[ACTION] Please configure the following virtual path with your web listener: /dev60html for
physical directory C:\Oracle\Ora6i\tools\web60\html.
[ACTION] Please configure the following virtual path with your web listener: /dev60cgi for
physical directory C:\Oracle\Ora6i\tools\web60\cgi.
I think this error (186) may have something to do with this.....Yes I am a novice!! But I am not too sure what this means. Is it asking me to edit the web listener httpd.conf file somehow?
If anybody has any ideas please explain in detail what to do.
Thank you in anticipation!!!!!
When I try to start the server in services (windows NT) the following error is displayed "error 186". I have looked in the relevant troubleshooting section in the reports documentation and it simply suggests the error is normally due to the tnsnames.ora or sqlnet.ora files being incorrect. I have now checked these and I still have the same error.
Following the installation of the reports server I was asked to perform the following actions manually:
[ACTION] Please configure the following virtual path with your web listener: /dev60html for
physical directory C:\Oracle\Ora6i\tools\web60\html.
[ACTION] Please configure the following virtual path with your web listener: /dev60cgi for
physical directory C:\Oracle\Ora6i\tools\web60\cgi.
I think this error (186) may have something to do with this.....Yes I am a novice!! But I am not too sure what this means. Is it asking me to edit the web listener httpd.conf file somehow?
If anybody has any ideas please explain in detail what to do.
Thank you in anticipation!!!!!