Technical User
I seem to have identified a problem when attempting to load CajunView on HP
Vectra PC's.
Basically I get a Dr Watson error when the cvservice attempts to run. This
only appears to occur on HP Vectra VL420 PC's (P4). It does not occur on
earlier (less powerful) Vectra VLi 8 (P2)
I have tried 3 different PC's (NT Workstation and NT Server) without success
and successfully installed it on three older machines.
The closest I can find to this problem in the Known Issues List(March 2002)
STR No. 13245
5. Cajunview processes will fail to run on a PC with dual processors.
("cvserver start" seems to fail to start the processes)
Umbrella CVS 2.0
The VL420 is a single processor,
Can anyone help with this issue?