Hi there,
I have created a multicolumn list box to allow user to select multi record and save them to the Project_script table. When the user click the cmdAllocateScript button the system will also pickup the record that already exist in the Project_script and only save the record that have not exist in the table. Below is the code that I am working on at the moment but it doesn't seen working well. Hope some of you can help me to find out what is the problem on my code.
Private Sub cmdAllocateScript_Click()
Dim rs As Recordset
Dim VarScriptID
Dim SelectScriptId As Integer
'variables for comparison
Dim PRojID, ScriptID As Integer
Dim StrPtojID As Integer
Dim found, displaymsg As Integer
Dim StrProjectname, StrScriptname, message As String
message = ""
displaymsg = 0
Set rs = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("SELECT * FROM Project_Script")
For Each VarScriptID In lstSearchresult_projectscript.ItemsSelected
SelectScriptId = Me.lstSearchresult_projectscript.Column(0, VarScriptID)
StrProjectname = Me.cboProject_Name.Column(1)
StrPtojID = [txtAllocationProjID]
StrScriptname = Me.lstSearchresult_projectscript.Column(1, VarScriptID)
found = 0
While Not rs.EOF
PRojID = rs.Fields("Project_ID")
ScriptID = rs.Fields("Script_ID")
If StrPtojID = PRojID And SelectScriptId = ScriptID Then
found = 1
displaymsg = 1
message = message & vbCr & StrScriptname
End If
If found = 0 Then
rs!Script_id = SelectScriptId
rs!Project_id = StrPtojID
rs!Date = Date
End If
If displaymsg = 1 Then
MsgBox (message & vbCr & "Already exist in the project :" & vbCr & StrProjectname)
End If
End Sub
I have created a multicolumn list box to allow user to select multi record and save them to the Project_script table. When the user click the cmdAllocateScript button the system will also pickup the record that already exist in the Project_script and only save the record that have not exist in the table. Below is the code that I am working on at the moment but it doesn't seen working well. Hope some of you can help me to find out what is the problem on my code.
Private Sub cmdAllocateScript_Click()
Dim rs As Recordset
Dim VarScriptID
Dim SelectScriptId As Integer
'variables for comparison
Dim PRojID, ScriptID As Integer
Dim StrPtojID As Integer
Dim found, displaymsg As Integer
Dim StrProjectname, StrScriptname, message As String
message = ""
displaymsg = 0
Set rs = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("SELECT * FROM Project_Script")
For Each VarScriptID In lstSearchresult_projectscript.ItemsSelected
SelectScriptId = Me.lstSearchresult_projectscript.Column(0, VarScriptID)
StrProjectname = Me.cboProject_Name.Column(1)
StrPtojID = [txtAllocationProjID]
StrScriptname = Me.lstSearchresult_projectscript.Column(1, VarScriptID)
found = 0
While Not rs.EOF
PRojID = rs.Fields("Project_ID")
ScriptID = rs.Fields("Script_ID")
If StrPtojID = PRojID And SelectScriptId = ScriptID Then
found = 1
displaymsg = 1
message = message & vbCr & StrScriptname
End If
If found = 0 Then
rs!Script_id = SelectScriptId
rs!Project_id = StrPtojID
rs!Date = Date
End If
If displaymsg = 1 Then
MsgBox (message & vbCr & "Already exist in the project :" & vbCr & StrProjectname)
End If
End Sub