Hi. I have a test server on a windows box with php 4.3.10 and mysql 4.1.10-nt. I built a login app and It works well using the mysql password('') function. Unfortunately I ported the app to a freebsd box running php 4.3.10 and mysql 4.1.12. The passwords come out differently and I don't understand why.
For instance, the password test looks like "378b243e220ca493" on the windows box and the freebsd database entry look like "*94BDCEBE19083CE". As you can see, very different. And this causes a lockout from logging in.
Instead of being routed to a "safe" login page, the error for a wrong username/password combo shows up.
Anyone have a clue what this could be or how to fix it?
For instance, the password test looks like "378b243e220ca493" on the windows box and the freebsd database entry look like "*94BDCEBE19083CE". As you can see, very different. And this causes a lockout from logging in.
Instead of being routed to a "safe" login page, the error for a wrong username/password combo shows up.
Anyone have a clue what this could be or how to fix it?