I have a stored procedure with prompts feeding a Crystal 8.5 report. I had to insert another SQL Server prompt and due to our standards could not add it at the end, but had to insert it and move the remaining ones down.
I do a verify database in Crystal and it shows the old parm prompts first, then I get the fixing up database message and then it shows the new parm prompts with the new one inserted and the others moved down as I would expect.
If I immediately save the report and try to run it, it acts like it is still using the old parms. If I reverify the database, it goes back to the original process as I described above. Also, I notice that in the parameter listing that even though they show no references, most of them cannot be deleted, the delete funtion is grayed out. Only the newly inserted parm is deletable.
Can anyone suggest what may be the problem here? Thanks in advance for any help you can give me!
I do a verify database in Crystal and it shows the old parm prompts first, then I get the fixing up database message and then it shows the new parm prompts with the new one inserted and the others moved down as I would expect.
If I immediately save the report and try to run it, it acts like it is still using the old parms. If I reverify the database, it goes back to the original process as I described above. Also, I notice that in the parameter listing that even though they show no references, most of them cannot be deleted, the delete funtion is grayed out. Only the newly inserted parm is deletable.
Can anyone suggest what may be the problem here? Thanks in advance for any help you can give me!