I have written small TCL script. One of the procedure is used to invoke TK window and another procedure use keylist. And so I have used "package require Tk" and "package require Tclx" on my main TCL script. I'm facing an issue in using above packages.
1. If I use the Tclx package then Tk procedure is not working, it doesn't show the message in Tk window.
2. If I don't use Tclx package, tk window shows the message but the other procedure which uses keylist is not working.
Here is my script,
package require Tcl
package require Tk
package require Tclx
package require Expect
set env(tag_dir) "/opt"
source [file join $env(tag_dir) local lib controllerAp.lib]
source [file join $env(tag_dir) local lib contr_cli_cmd.lib]
proc tk_CCX_DevConfig {txt} {
label .l1 -text $txt
button .b1 -text "Ok" -command "destroy ."
grid .l1 -row 2
grid .b1 -row 4 -column 0
# Call the above TK procedure
if [catch {tk_CCX_DevConfig "Plz configure Dev"} err] {
puts "Error in invoking Input Gui"
puts "User configuration is completed"
# Call another procedure that uses keylist
if [catch {devConnect ""} err] {
puts "Error in connecting device which use keylist"
Any suggestions ?
- Kanna
I have written small TCL script. One of the procedure is used to invoke TK window and another procedure use keylist. And so I have used "package require Tk" and "package require Tclx" on my main TCL script. I'm facing an issue in using above packages.
1. If I use the Tclx package then Tk procedure is not working, it doesn't show the message in Tk window.
2. If I don't use Tclx package, tk window shows the message but the other procedure which uses keylist is not working.
Here is my script,
package require Tcl
package require Tk
package require Tclx
package require Expect
set env(tag_dir) "/opt"
source [file join $env(tag_dir) local lib controllerAp.lib]
source [file join $env(tag_dir) local lib contr_cli_cmd.lib]
proc tk_CCX_DevConfig {txt} {
label .l1 -text $txt
button .b1 -text "Ok" -command "destroy ."
grid .l1 -row 2
grid .b1 -row 4 -column 0
# Call the above TK procedure
if [catch {tk_CCX_DevConfig "Plz configure Dev"} err] {
puts "Error in invoking Input Gui"
puts "User configuration is completed"
# Call another procedure that uses keylist
if [catch {devConnect ""} err] {
puts "Error in connecting device which use keylist"
Any suggestions ?
- Kanna