I am using the following configuration.
OS - Windows 2000
Netscape Directory Server 4.12
Impromtu Administrator 6.0
IWR 6.0, PPES 6.0, PPTS 6.0, Cognos Query 6.2 and Upfront.
I tried publishing the Sample (reports.plp) in residing in my local machine \\localhost\AdvancedBI\Cognos\cer1\Samples\Iwr\Posting Folder\Great Outdoors Sales\reports.plp
The error written is:
Process ID: 716; Thread: 736; Host: HTS-PC3A181; Text: Unable to create interface object for IAppAuto.;
BackTrace Info:
1. File Name: s:\imp60\ImpromptuServer\ImpServerInterface\impserver.cpp; Line#:59; Desc.:Unable to create interface object for IAppAuto.;
2. File Name: s:\imp60\iwr\ReportManager\Service\rmimpserver.cpp; Line#:233; Desc.:Unable to access Impromptu server.;
3. File Name: s:\imp60\iwr\IWRApplicationObjects\ImpromptuApplication.cpp; Line#:1054; Desc.:getImpromptuServerStuff;
4. File Name: s:\imp60\iwr\Admin\AdminServices\Deployment\Deployer.cpp; Line#:214; Desc.:The report set sample was published with errors. Please consult the publish log file.;
Could anyone tell me the solution for this? it would be a great help
OS - Windows 2000
Netscape Directory Server 4.12
Impromtu Administrator 6.0
IWR 6.0, PPES 6.0, PPTS 6.0, Cognos Query 6.2 and Upfront.
I tried publishing the Sample (reports.plp) in residing in my local machine \\localhost\AdvancedBI\Cognos\cer1\Samples\Iwr\Posting Folder\Great Outdoors Sales\reports.plp
The error written is:
Process ID: 716; Thread: 736; Host: HTS-PC3A181; Text: Unable to create interface object for IAppAuto.;
BackTrace Info:
1. File Name: s:\imp60\ImpromptuServer\ImpServerInterface\impserver.cpp; Line#:59; Desc.:Unable to create interface object for IAppAuto.;
2. File Name: s:\imp60\iwr\ReportManager\Service\rmimpserver.cpp; Line#:233; Desc.:Unable to access Impromptu server.;
3. File Name: s:\imp60\iwr\IWRApplicationObjects\ImpromptuApplication.cpp; Line#:1054; Desc.:getImpromptuServerStuff;
4. File Name: s:\imp60\iwr\Admin\AdminServices\Deployment\Deployer.cpp; Line#:214; Desc.:The report set sample was published with errors. Please consult the publish log file.;
Could anyone tell me the solution for this? it would be a great help