Hi...<br><br>My Aplication run two printer together at the same time. They are Parallel Printer (I Use EPSON LX-300) and Serial Printer (I Use EPSON TM-300B With maximum buffer 1kb Without Driver from Manufactur). In My Parallel Printer I can print text completely but in Serial Printer can't print completely <br>and I print same text.<br><br>My code for Serial Printer like this:<br><br>Open "Com1:" for Output as #1<br><br>Do While Not EOF()<br> Print #1,Field Name<br> LOOP<br>end do<br><br><br>and My code for Paralle Printer like this<br><br>Open "Lpt1:" for Output as #2<br> Print #2,Field Name<br> Loop<br>End do<br><br>How to solve it so I can print text completely in serial printer ? <br><br><br><br> <br> <br>