I have created one formula say
formula 1 is (Sum ({tablename.colname}, {groupname}))
another formula
formula2 is
if formula1} > 0 then
({tablename.col})/{@formula1} *100
I want to supress the value of the formula2 with some condition. I am displaying formula2 in report in detail section. But the formula2 is returning same value even I have the conditional supress formula on that formula.
I am supressing the whole detail section if some column is zero.
Can anyone help me so that I can display formula2 if it fulfills the condition.
Thanks in advance,
I have created one formula say
formula 1 is (Sum ({tablename.colname}, {groupname}))
another formula
formula2 is
if formula1} > 0 then
({tablename.col})/{@formula1} *100
I want to supress the value of the formula2 with some condition. I am displaying formula2 in report in detail section. But the formula2 is returning same value even I have the conditional supress formula on that formula.
I am supressing the whole detail section if some column is zero.
Can anyone help me so that I can display formula2 if it fulfills the condition.
Thanks in advance,