I have Oracle database 8.1.6 on windows NT Server named 'ODBK'
I wanted to create a new database for my another project.
I have just created a new database in Oracle using DBCA.
First I shut down the database using SVRMGR
and then entered 'STARTUP NOMOUNT'
I have created this database useing custom installation as I wanted
it to be created into another drive 'H:'.
I did not choose dedicated server mode in my custom rather went for
shared server mode.
I named it 'DBKT'. For all the dbf log and files which are to be created
in new db I set path to 'H:\Oracle\....'
IT took more than 3 hours for creattion of database. But there was no error
till that time.
However when I tried to connect to my default database it was not connecting.
using scott/tiger. to which it prevoiusly used to connect
I then used at commnad prompt 'Set ORACLE_SID = ODBK'
Then I used sqlplus scott/tiger which then successfully connected to my database
I opened another dos prompt where I used 'set oracle_sid=dbkt'
where it got connected to.
However Thru my GUI interface connectivity to Database I am not able get connected
to my old database
It shows me regular box of username, password, hostname
but even after writing every thing properly it is not connecting
saying TNS service name not found
I even entered ODBK sometimes in host but still it's not working
what can I do get it connected in my regular widows SQL prompt
I have Oracle database 8.1.6 on windows NT Server named 'ODBK'
I wanted to create a new database for my another project.
I have just created a new database in Oracle using DBCA.
First I shut down the database using SVRMGR
and then entered 'STARTUP NOMOUNT'
I have created this database useing custom installation as I wanted
it to be created into another drive 'H:'.
I did not choose dedicated server mode in my custom rather went for
shared server mode.
I named it 'DBKT'. For all the dbf log and files which are to be created
in new db I set path to 'H:\Oracle\....'
IT took more than 3 hours for creattion of database. But there was no error
till that time.
However when I tried to connect to my default database it was not connecting.
using scott/tiger. to which it prevoiusly used to connect
I then used at commnad prompt 'Set ORACLE_SID = ODBK'
Then I used sqlplus scott/tiger which then successfully connected to my database
I opened another dos prompt where I used 'set oracle_sid=dbkt'
where it got connected to.
However Thru my GUI interface connectivity to Database I am not able get connected
to my old database
It shows me regular box of username, password, hostname
but even after writing every thing properly it is not connecting
saying TNS service name not found
I even entered ODBK sometimes in host but still it's not working
what can I do get it connected in my regular widows SQL prompt