Good day!
This is my first time to share my application in the network since i have many user involved. This is what i've got so far, i shared my entire application folder to everyone, set the security setting to full control by anyone. On my user computer, i map the folder which i shared and has a drive letter of Z:. The first problem i've noticed was the drive letter was different on the path which i set on my code which is drive C:. Also i copied all the vfp runtime files on the shared folder. After running the application some of the module was functioning and others have errors. I've noticed that the image i place was not displaying and table was not found. Also viewing the modules of the application takes time to load. Any idea what is the best way i could fix it?
The ff is some of my code in my main program. Aside on the path i used in my main program, i also used the same path whenever i call programs, images, forms and etc..
_screen.Icon= "C:\system\Picture\1.ico"
_screen.WindowState = 2
_screen.Caption = "System v1.0"
*_screen.Picture= "C:\System\Picture\4.jpg"
_screen.BackColor = RGB(128,128,128)
_SCREEN.Closable = .F.
_screen.MaxButton = .f.
_screen.MinButton = .f.
PUSH MENU _msysmenu
DO C:\System\Menu\mainmenu.MPR
SET SKIP OF MENU _msysmenu .T.
This is my first time to share my application in the network since i have many user involved. This is what i've got so far, i shared my entire application folder to everyone, set the security setting to full control by anyone. On my user computer, i map the folder which i shared and has a drive letter of Z:. The first problem i've noticed was the drive letter was different on the path which i set on my code which is drive C:. Also i copied all the vfp runtime files on the shared folder. After running the application some of the module was functioning and others have errors. I've noticed that the image i place was not displaying and table was not found. Also viewing the modules of the application takes time to load. Any idea what is the best way i could fix it?
The ff is some of my code in my main program. Aside on the path i used in my main program, i also used the same path whenever i call programs, images, forms and etc..
_screen.Icon= "C:\system\Picture\1.ico"
_screen.WindowState = 2
_screen.Caption = "System v1.0"
*_screen.Picture= "C:\System\Picture\4.jpg"
_screen.BackColor = RGB(128,128,128)
_SCREEN.Closable = .F.
_screen.MaxButton = .f.
_screen.MinButton = .f.
PUSH MENU _msysmenu
DO C:\System\Menu\mainmenu.MPR
SET SKIP OF MENU _msysmenu .T.