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Problem In AIX After Installing FixPack 3 & 11 ... 2

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Nov 11, 2001
Greetings. I installed DB2 7.1 on RS6000 server running AIX.
After a successful installation we installed db2fixpack 3 and 11..
After the fixpacks, we lost the tcpip communication..The other server failed to find our server.
We dropped our instance and recreated a new one named as sahadmin. We also installed Websphere server and the software successfully installed the WAS database. That proved that db2 is working all right.
However when I export the server profile and open it with vi editor, I notice that the essential parameters such as tcpip,serviceName etc are missing...I added the new parameters and run the db2cfimp <file> command. The db2 fails to import it. The error massage says. The file format is incorrect..
2 questions:
1. How can I solve this?
2. Is there any other way to let the DB2 know the tcpip,servicename values to instance sahadmin?

Salih Sipahi
Software Engineer.
City of Istanbul Turkey
I am not sure your remote communication is setup at all. For a local WAS instance to work I think it is actually not needed, only for remote connections.

Anyway, to do so in Version 7:

- check the DB2COMM registry variable:
>db2set -all
shows those all which are set, DB2COMM=TCPIP should be there
If you have more than one instance, use db2set -i <instname>

- check your instance profile:
>db2 get dbm cfg
(best with instance user)the SVCENAME should have an entry

- use this value and check in etc/services, whether it is in there and what is the port associated. Use this port to catalog the instance on remote clients.

If all these settings are missing, then TCPIP is not set up. you can either set them manually or using you install routine to automatically create an instance and set them up for you.

Thanks for your very reasonable reply.
I managed to set the DB2COMM parameter.
but for the other parameter I could not set the other variables.
I found the correct information from the services file as you suggested and from our other AIX server.

Those are variable I failed to set
db2set -i sahadmin SVCENAME=db2cdb2inst1 gives DBI1302E error.
db2set -i hostname sahinler(name of the comp)
db2set -i ipaddress

all of those give the same error.

If you can help me to set those variable manually with its syntax you will have solved my urgent problem! :)

Thank you for your kind help

Salih Sipahi
Software Engineer.
City of Istanbul Turkey
Database Server:-
Login as root on Database Server.

You have created an instance called 'sahadmin'.Make sure that nobody using the port 9900 before assigning this as control port for the instance. if its already used,you can allocate any free port number.

edit /etc/services and enter
db2c_sahadmin 9900
Save the file.

Login as instance owner 'sahadmin' in this case.

#db2set DB2COMM=TCPIP -g
#db2set DB2SYSTEM=sahinler -g

#db2 update dbm cfg svcename=db2c_sahadmin

Application Server: Where you have installed db2 client.
Login as root
add the hostname and ipaddress of the database server in /etc/hosts file.

Login in as db2instance owner.catalog tpcip node and database. So that applications can connect to remote database using these database aliases.

#db2 catalog tcip node RINST1 hostname sahinler service db2c_sahadmin

#db2 catalog db <remote db name> as <db alias> at RINST1

remote db name: database available on sahadmin instance of sahinler system.
db alias : can of the same name as db name. you can put an arbitary name according to requirements of applications.

Finally test the connectivity from the client.
#db2 connect to <dbname> user <username> using <password>.

Hope it helps.

IBM Certified Specialist - P-series AIX 5L Administration
IBM Certified Specialist - AIX V4 HACMP
IBM eServer Certified Specialist – p690 Technical Support
IBM Certified Solutions Expert - DB2 UDB V7.1 Database Administration for Unix, Linux, Windows and OS/2
Very Thanks! The problem was the missing of SVCENAME parameter. I also learned that SVNAME parameter resides on the server level,not in the instance level.
Come to Istanbul and I will offer you Raki and Sish Kebap! :)

Salih Sipahi
Software Engineer.
City of Istanbul Turkey

SVCENAME is instance level,
> update dbm cfg using ...
is actually
> db2 update database manager configuration using ...

so communication is set up for each instance.

That is why on the client side you have two commands:
> db2 catalog tcpip node ....
setting up (tcpip) communication with the instance and
> db2 catalog database ... at node ...
registering the database.

If having more than one database at one instance, you have to catalog the instance once and later all databases.

If having a second instance on the same AIX Server, you have to have a second port for that instance and another name in etc/services.

Of course, when using GUIs like the configuration assistant at the client, you might not be aware of this.

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