This problem rises from a try to work through an example in the following
book: The Complete Reference, Java 2 4th edition, chapter 25 (if you have
this book).
It´s all about creating a new Bean. The source listing for the Bean is on
page 860.
I do exactly as the instructions tell me.
CLASSPATH variable set to E:\BDK\DEMO
JDK1.3.0 installed in e:BDK (Bean Development Kit) installed in e:
1. compile the to the following location
2. Create a manifest file (colors.mft) in e:\bdk\demo with the following contents:
Name: sunw/demo/colors/Colors.class
Java-Bean: True
3. Create JAR file (colors.jar) in e:\bdk\jars with the following command:
jar cfm ..\jars\colors.jar colors.mft sunw\demo\colors\*.class
added manifest
adding: sunw/demo/colors/Colors$1.class(in = 505) (out= 322)(deflated 36%)
adding: sunw/demo/colors/Colors.class(in = 1414) (out= 830)(deflated 41%)
4. Run the BDK with run.bat from the e:\bdk\beanbox directory
I´m told the following (output in the console):
E:\bdk\beanbox>java sun.beanbox.BeanBoxFrame
Jar file E:\bdk\jars\colors.jar didn't have any beans!
Each jar file needs to contain a manifest file describing
which entries are beans. You can should provide a suitable
manifest when you create the jar.
5. The tools come up alright, but my bean (Colors) doesn´t appear
in the toolbox as it should.
It´s very strange because everything is alright until I run the BDK-
environment. I´m told that the manifest file was added to colors.jar
and that it compressed and added the .class file(s). Another strange
thing is that the very first time I ran everything my bean appeared
in the Beanbox toolkit. But when I tried to add it to the workspace
I got NullPointerException...something about serialized...
After that, the bean has never appeared in the toolkit.
Can someone help me. I don´t enclose the source code at this stage as I think it´s OK.
Best regards Perra
Swedish programmer
book: The Complete Reference, Java 2 4th edition, chapter 25 (if you have
this book).
It´s all about creating a new Bean. The source listing for the Bean is on
page 860.
I do exactly as the instructions tell me.
CLASSPATH variable set to E:\BDK\DEMO
JDK1.3.0 installed in e:BDK (Bean Development Kit) installed in e:
1. compile the to the following location
2. Create a manifest file (colors.mft) in e:\bdk\demo with the following contents:
Name: sunw/demo/colors/Colors.class
Java-Bean: True
3. Create JAR file (colors.jar) in e:\bdk\jars with the following command:
jar cfm ..\jars\colors.jar colors.mft sunw\demo\colors\*.class
added manifest
adding: sunw/demo/colors/Colors$1.class(in = 505) (out= 322)(deflated 36%)
adding: sunw/demo/colors/Colors.class(in = 1414) (out= 830)(deflated 41%)
4. Run the BDK with run.bat from the e:\bdk\beanbox directory
I´m told the following (output in the console):
E:\bdk\beanbox>java sun.beanbox.BeanBoxFrame
Jar file E:\bdk\jars\colors.jar didn't have any beans!
Each jar file needs to contain a manifest file describing
which entries are beans. You can should provide a suitable
manifest when you create the jar.
5. The tools come up alright, but my bean (Colors) doesn´t appear
in the toolbox as it should.
It´s very strange because everything is alright until I run the BDK-
environment. I´m told that the manifest file was added to colors.jar
and that it compressed and added the .class file(s). Another strange
thing is that the very first time I ran everything my bean appeared
in the Beanbox toolkit. But when I tried to add it to the workspace
I got NullPointerException...something about serialized...
After that, the bean has never appeared in the toolkit.
Can someone help me. I don´t enclose the source code at this stage as I think it´s OK.
Best regards Perra
Swedish programmer