hello everybody,
I am new in vb6 and datareports too.
I am using vb6 and i am trying to display a data report based on an ado shape sql query. My query collects fields from table orders and table orderDetails and the 2 tables relates with OrderID. My problem is that when i display the report in details section appears the values srchOrders, i mean the values of fields of table orders. I tried to change the datamember value property but with no success. Any ideas please? Any help will be appreciate.
Private Sub PrintCmd_Click()
Dim z, q As Integer
z = 0
q = 0
sqlOrdDet = "Select * from OrderDetails " & _
"where OrderID='" & rsOrd!OrderID & "'"
rsOrdDet.Open sqlOrdDet, conn, adOpenStatic, adLockOptimistic
shapesql = _
" SHAPE {" & sql & "} AS SrchOrders " & _
"APPEND ({" & sqlOrdDet & "} AS SrchOrdDet " & _
"RELATE 'OrderID' TO 'OrderID') AS SrchOrdDet"
Set rsRep = New ADODB.Recordset
rsRep.ActiveConnection = conn
rsRep.CursorLocation = adUseClient
rsRep.Open shapesql, conn, adOpenStatic, adLockOptimistic, -1
Set DR1.DataSource = rsRep
DR1.DataMember = ""
With DR1.Sections("Orders").Controls
For intctrl = 1 To .Count
If TypeOf .Item(intctrl) Is RptTextBox Then
.Item(intctrl).DataField = rsRep(z).Name
.Item(intctrl).DataMember = Empty
z = z + 1
End If
Next intctrl
End With
'here i am trying to display the SrchOrdDet fields values
but with no effect, the SrchOrders fields values displays.
with DR1.Sections("OrdDetails").Controls
For intctrl = 1 To .Count
If TypeOf .Item(intctrl) Is RptTextBox Then
.Item(intctrl).DataMember = "SrchOrdDet"
.Item(intctrl).DataField = rsRep(q).Name
MsgBox .Item(intctrl).DataField
.Item(intctrl).DataMember = Empty
q = q + 1
End If
Next intctrl
End With
End Sub
Thank you
very much.
I am new in vb6 and datareports too.
I am using vb6 and i am trying to display a data report based on an ado shape sql query. My query collects fields from table orders and table orderDetails and the 2 tables relates with OrderID. My problem is that when i display the report in details section appears the values srchOrders, i mean the values of fields of table orders. I tried to change the datamember value property but with no success. Any ideas please? Any help will be appreciate.
Private Sub PrintCmd_Click()
Dim z, q As Integer
z = 0
q = 0
sqlOrdDet = "Select * from OrderDetails " & _
"where OrderID='" & rsOrd!OrderID & "'"
rsOrdDet.Open sqlOrdDet, conn, adOpenStatic, adLockOptimistic
shapesql = _
" SHAPE {" & sql & "} AS SrchOrders " & _
"APPEND ({" & sqlOrdDet & "} AS SrchOrdDet " & _
"RELATE 'OrderID' TO 'OrderID') AS SrchOrdDet"
Set rsRep = New ADODB.Recordset
rsRep.ActiveConnection = conn
rsRep.CursorLocation = adUseClient
rsRep.Open shapesql, conn, adOpenStatic, adLockOptimistic, -1
Set DR1.DataSource = rsRep
DR1.DataMember = ""
With DR1.Sections("Orders").Controls
For intctrl = 1 To .Count
If TypeOf .Item(intctrl) Is RptTextBox Then
.Item(intctrl).DataField = rsRep(z).Name
.Item(intctrl).DataMember = Empty
z = z + 1
End If
Next intctrl
End With
'here i am trying to display the SrchOrdDet fields values
but with no effect, the SrchOrders fields values displays.
with DR1.Sections("OrdDetails").Controls
For intctrl = 1 To .Count
If TypeOf .Item(intctrl) Is RptTextBox Then
.Item(intctrl).DataMember = "SrchOrdDet"
.Item(intctrl).DataField = rsRep(q).Name
MsgBox .Item(intctrl).DataField
.Item(intctrl).DataMember = Empty
q = q + 1
End If
Next intctrl
End With
End Sub
Thank you
very much.