Problem Displaying HTML contents in CR10-Pls. Help!!!!
I have a .Net Front end which has a rich text box. The rich texxt box contents are stored as tags similar to HTML contents in the SQL server Database. I want to display this field in CR10 and I select the paragraphing option as HTML. still I see the HTML tags like <FONT FACE= > etc etc etc. I understand CR10 has only certain tags that it can support. Is there anyway to display the Rich text box contents in a formatted form in CR10?Pls.
I have received useful replies abt this in the past but it hasnt completely solved my problem...
Someone Help!
I have a .Net Front end which has a rich text box. The rich texxt box contents are stored as tags similar to HTML contents in the SQL server Database. I want to display this field in CR10 and I select the paragraphing option as HTML. still I see the HTML tags like <FONT FACE= > etc etc etc. I understand CR10 has only certain tags that it can support. Is there anyway to display the Rich text box contents in a formatted form in CR10?Pls.
I have received useful replies abt this in the past but it hasnt completely solved my problem...
Someone Help!