i have 3 forms to pull from
i need all the information on the same line in the view, what i have been able to do puts the info from each form on a separate line so the numbers and info dont match up, i do have domino designer
If I understand your problem correctly then I would suggest you to try this (never tried it so I do not know if it will work):
Create a forth form that contains all of the fields of the 3 other forms.
Make sure your view selection formula includes documents created with your 3 forms.
Add a form formula to the view that opens each document with the new form instead of it's own.
If this does not work you will need to add a "form" field to the 3 existing forms that specify then forth form name. However this will cause all documents to be opened with the new form also if you do not overule it.
You can also work with a form "alias" that will allow you to flexible use one or the other form to open the document.
You might also consider creating a total different structure of your views or to re-structure your entire application. Put all data in 1 form, and work with hide-when formulas and "Next" and Previous" buttons to give the user the feeling he has 3 different screens for example. Many more possibilities.
Remember: if you want data of 3 forms in 1 line of a view, then you need to get all data in 1 form first. That does not mean copying the actual data, but displaying the documents in a common form.
Personally I have never seen a request such as yours so I think you might need to reconsider your database design.
If the (three) documents have the same key sort by the key. This could be a hidden column or a categorized column (or not) as you wish.
Optionally you can order by the form too. For example using a column formula of @If( Form = "A" ; 1 ; Form = "B" ; 2 ; 3 ). This sort column could be hidden.
Then have one column for the data. This column could expand to view width and would have a formula like this:
@If(Form = "A" ; "Section: " + A_Section + ", Date: " + A_Date + " etc " ;
Form = "B" ; "Category: " + B_Category + ", Name: " + B_Name + " etc " ;
C_Comments + " etc " )
To allow for multiple lines per record use the view attributes "lines per row" and "shrink rows to content". To force a line break in such a view use multivalued lists in conjunction with the column property "multi-value separator" set to "new line".
I have to agree with the others that if these documents are always linked then probably they should be one document or a parent response hierarchy. Maybe go back to requirements analysis?
That is the normal way to display data from different forms in the same view but on different lines. You will either display data from form A or form B but not consolidated data from A+B in 1 or more columns on the same line.
I think what "kbuck" wants is to display data from 3 different forms in 1 view line at the same time.
Even if you sort on the same key, Notes will see it as a different document and will not display the data on the same line. After all: it is another document.
So below you categorized key you will see 3 entries and not 1.
Looking more closely at kbucks requirements I see that the lining up of the data in columns is what is important. So I think that he can do this by having multiple columns which do the same as the "data" column in my suggestion. Depending on the form, select the field which has the correct data for the column. For example in the "Name" column the formula might be something like this:
@If(Form = "A" ; PlaintiffName ;
Form = "B" ; DefendentName ;
DefendingCounselName )
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