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Problem creating new partition in cube

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Mar 21, 2002
I am trying to write a C# backend program that will handle the database maintenance that I would otherwise have to do via Microsoft's Analysis Services front end GUI Wizards. Currently I am having a problem with recreating the SliceValue. The value is a time dimension and should equate to [Monthly Dates].[Year].[Quarter].[Month] and instead it is these same values, but instead of being seperated by periods it has some sort of non-displayable character (maybe a newline) that is placing each value on a new line. The error I receive when I attempt to process the partition is as follows:

An unhandled exception of type 'System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException' occurred in ProcessCubes.exe

Additional information: Processing error [Object does not exist] '[All]
[Quarter 2]

The code is below.

		public void ProcessCubeIncremental(string ServerName, string DatabaseName, string Frequency, string CubeName, string FactTableName, string ReportDate)
			DSO.ServerClass dsoServer = new DSO.ServerClass();
			DSO.MDStore dsoDatabase;
			DSO.MDStore dsoCube;
			DSO.MDStore dsoPartitionNew;
			DSO.MDStore dsoPartitionOld;
			DSO.Dimension dsoDimension;
			DSO.Level dsoLevel;
			//DSO.Level dsoLevelAll;
			//DSO.Level dsoLevelYear;
			//DSO.Level dsoLevelQuarter;
			//DSO.Level dsoLevelMonth;
			DSO.Property dsoProperty;
			DateTime dt = Convert.ToDateTime(ReportDate);
			GregorianCalendar c = new GregorianCalendar(GregorianCalendarTypes.Localized);
			int YearOld = c.GetYear(c.AddMonths(dt,-1));
			int MonthOld = c.GetMonth(c.AddMonths(dt,-1));
			string YearOldStr = YearOld.ToString();
			string MonthOldStr;
			if (MonthOld < 10)
				MonthOldStr = &quot;0&quot;+MonthOld.ToString();
				MonthOldStr = MonthOld.ToString();
			int YearNew = c.GetYear(dt);
			int MonthNew = c.GetMonth(dt);
			string YearNewStr = YearNew.ToString();
			string MonthNewStr;
			if (MonthNew < 10)
				MonthNewStr = &quot;0&quot;+MonthNew.ToString();
				MonthNewStr = MonthNew.ToString();
				case 1:         
					MonthNewName = &quot;January&quot;;
				case 2:         
					MonthNewName = &quot;February&quot;;
				case 3:         
					MonthNewName = &quot;March&quot;;
				case 4:         
					MonthNewName = &quot;April&quot;;
				case 5:         
					MonthNewName = &quot;May&quot;;
				case 6:         
					MonthNewName = &quot;June&quot;;
				case 7:         
					MonthNewName = &quot;July&quot;;
				case 8:         
					MonthNewName = &quot;August&quot;;
				case 9:         
					MonthNewName = &quot;September&quot;;
				case 10:         
					MonthNewName = &quot;October&quot;;
				case 11:         
					MonthNewName = &quot;November&quot;;
				case 12:         
					MonthNewName = &quot;December&quot;;

			string PartitionNameOld = &quot;p&quot;+YearOldStr+MonthOldStr;
			string PartitionNameNew = &quot;p&quot;+YearNewStr+MonthNewStr;
			string ReportDateStart = MonthNewStr+&quot;/1/&quot;+YearNewStr;
			string ReportDateRange;
			string ReportDateEnd = MonthNewStr+&quot;/&quot;+c.GetDaysInMonth(YearNew,MonthNew).ToString()+&quot;/&quot;+YearNewStr;
			if (Frequency == &quot;Daily&quot;)
				ReportDateRange = &quot;between '&quot; + ReportDateStart + &quot;' and '&quot; + ReportDateEnd + &quot;'&quot;;
				ReportDateRange = &quot;= '&quot; + ReportDateEnd + &quot;'&quot;;

			// Connect to the local server

			// Set up the MDStore objects:
			// database, cube, and partition.
			dsoDatabase = (DSO.MDStore) dsoServer.MDStores.Item(DatabaseName);
			dsoCube = (DSO.MDStore) dsoDatabase.MDStores.Item(CubeName);
			dsoPartitionOld = (DSO.MDStore) dsoCube.MDStores.Item(PartitionNameOld);
			// delete the partition if it already exists
			if (dsoCube.MDStores.Find(PartitionNameNew) == true)

			// Create a new partition.
			dsoPartitionNew = (DSO.MDStore) dsoCube.MDStores.AddNew(&quot;~temp&quot;, DSO.SubClassTypes.sbclsRegular);

			// Clone the properties from the desired partition to the new partition.
			dsoPartitionOld.Clone(dsoPartitionNew, DSO.CloneOptions.cloneMajorChildren);

			// Change the partition name from &quot;~temp&quot; to the name intended for the new partition.
			dsoPartitionNew.Name = PartitionNameNew;
			dsoPartitionNew.AggregationPrefix = PartitionNameNew+&quot;_&quot;;

			//dsoPartitionNew.SourceTable = &quot;\&quot;dbo\&quot;.\&quot;&quot;+FactTableName+&quot;\&quot;&quot;;
			dsoPartitionNew.SourceTable = &quot;\&quot;&quot;+FactTableName+&quot;\&quot;&quot;;

			// Estimate the rowcount from the reference partition.
			dsoPartitionNew.EstimatedRows = dsoPartitionOld.EstimatedRows;

			dsoPartitionNew.SourceTableFilter = dsoPartitionNew.SourceTable + &quot;.\&quot;ReportDate\&quot; &quot; + ReportDateRange;

			// Set the FromClause and JoinClause properties of the new partition.
			//dsoPartitionNew.FromClause = dsoPartitionOld.FromClause.Replace(dsoPartitionOld.SourceTable, dsoPartitionNew.SourceTable);
			//dsoPartitionNew.JoinClause = dsoPartitionOld.JoinClause.Replace(dsoPartitionOld.SourceTable, dsoPartitionNew.SourceTable);

			// Change the definition of the data Slice used by the new partition.
			// Change the SliceValue properties of the affected levels and dimensions to the correct values.
				case 1:         
				case 2:   
				case 3:   
					Quarter = 1;
				case 4:            
				case 5:            
				case 6:            
					Quarter = 2;
				case 7:            
				case 8:            
				case 9:            
					Quarter = 3;
				case 10:            
				case 11:            
				case 12:            
					Quarter = 4;

			// Change the definition of the data slice used by the new
			// partition, by changing the SliceValue properties of the 
			// affected levels and dimensions to the desired values.
			dsoDimension = (DSO.Dimension) dsoPartitionNew.Dimensions.Item(&quot;Monthly Dates&quot;);
			//dsoDimension.CustomProperties.Add(&quot;[All].[&quot;+YearNewStr+&quot;].Quarter &quot;+Quarter.ToString()+&quot;].[&quot;+MonthNewStr+&quot;]&quot;,&quot;SliceValue&quot;,VBA.VbVarType.vbString);
			//dsoLevels = (DSO.Level) dsoDimension.Levels.Item(&quot;(All).Year.Quarter.Month&quot;);
			//dsoLevels.SliceValue = &quot;[All].[&quot;+YearNewStr+&quot;].[Quarter &quot;+Quarter.ToString()+&quot;].[&quot;+MonthNewName+&quot;]&quot;;
			//dsoProperty = (DSO.Property) dsoDimension.CustomProperties.Add(&quot;[All]&quot;,&quot;(All)&quot;,VBA.VbVarType.vbString);
			//dsoProperty = (DSO.Property) dsoDimension.CustomProperties.Add(&quot;[&quot;+YearNewStr+&quot;]&quot;,&quot;Year&quot;,VBA.VbVarType.vbString);
			//dsoProperty = (DSO.Property) dsoDimension.CustomProperties.Add(&quot;[Quarter &quot;+Quarter.ToString()+&quot;]&quot;,&quot;Quarter&quot;,VBA.VbVarType.vbString);
			//dsoProperty = (DSO.Property) dsoDimension.CustomProperties.Add(&quot;[&quot;+MonthNewName+&quot;]&quot;,&quot;Month&quot;,VBA.VbVarType.vbString);
			dsoLevel = (DSO.Level) dsoDimension.Levels.Item(&quot;(All)&quot;);
			dsoLevel.SliceValue = &quot;[All]&quot;;
			dsoLevel = (DSO.Level) dsoDimension.Levels.Item(&quot;Year&quot;);
			dsoLevel.SliceValue = &quot;[&quot;+YearNewStr+&quot;]&quot;;
			dsoLevel = (DSO.Level) dsoDimension.Levels.Item(&quot;Quarter&quot;);
			dsoLevel.SliceValue = &quot;[Quarter &quot;+Quarter.ToString()+&quot;]&quot;;
			dsoLevel = (DSO.Level) dsoDimension.Levels.Item(&quot;Month&quot;);
			dsoLevel.SliceValue = &quot;[&quot;+MonthNewName+&quot;]&quot;;
			//dsoLevelAll = (DSO.Level) dsoDimension.Levels.Item(&quot;(All)&quot;);
			//dsoLevelAll.SliceValue = &quot;[All]&quot;;
			//dsoLevelYear = (DSO.Level) dsoDimension.Levels.Item(&quot;Year&quot;);
			//dsoLevelYear.SliceValue = &quot;[&quot;+YearNewStr+&quot;]&quot;;
			//dsoLevelQuarter = (DSO.Level) dsoDimension.Levels.Item(&quot;Quarter&quot;);
			//dsoLevelQuarter.SliceValue = &quot;[Quarter &quot;+Quarter.ToString()+&quot;]&quot;;
			//dsoLevelMonth = (DSO.Level) dsoDimension.Levels.Item(&quot;Month&quot;);
			//dsoLevelMonth.SliceValue = &quot;[&quot;+MonthNewName+&quot;]&quot;;

			// Save the partition definition in the metadata repository.

			// Process the temporary partition.
			//dsoCube.LockObject(DSO.OlapLockTypes.olapLockProcess, &quot;Processing object...&quot;);


			// Close the allocated resources and exit the subroutine.
			dsoCube = null;
			dsoDatabase = null;
			dsoServer = null;

Please help me, I'm a desparate man!
It has been a while since I have done this but I think the issue my be with your use of the [ when you define each level of the slice

current code:
dsoLevel = (DSO.Level) dsoDimension.Levels.Item(&quot;Year&quot;);
dsoLevel.SliceValue = &quot;[&quot;+YearNewStr+&quot;]&quot;;

new code:
dsoLevel = (DSO.Level) dsoDimension.Levels.Item(&quot;Year&quot;);
dsoLevel.SliceValue = YearNewStr ;

the new code is more like what it should be. It may be easier to start with a single partition and hard code the values to debug. I remember that setting slice values was probably the hardest DSO operation I've done. Unfortunately I don't have my old code to check.

&quot;Shoot Me! Shoot Me NOW!!!&quot;
- Daffy Duck
Thanks MDXer for the quick response. Unfortunately, your suggestion yielded the same result:

Processing error [Object does not exist] 'All
Quarter 2
May' ; Time:7/29/2003 1:21:28 PM

Any other ideas?
I know this is going to sound basic and stupid but when you browse your time dimension the names are as they appear above.

Quarter 2

no diffrences for Example All Years or All Time, not QTR or any diffrences like that?

&quot;Shoot Me! Shoot Me NOW!!!&quot;
- Daffy Duck
Hey MDXer... tell me if this bizarre logic rings any bells. Thanks to your last post, it got me experimenting a bit more and here is what I found. It looks as though when you define a slicevalue via the partition editor wizard the level names that are used is the dimension's &quot;Member Name Column&quot; and when you set a slicevalue via DSO (using C# anyway) one must use the &quot;Member Key Column&quot;. Really stupid logic, but when I do it this way, the partition is processing successfully. Go figure!

Anyway, thanks a million... I owe you one.
Doesn't ring any bells, but it also doesn't suprise me. DSO can be a bear at times, especially partition slices.

The technique I have found easiest to use is the concept of an empty master Partition. I create the cube and point it at an empty view. I then apply any slice info. In dso I then clone the master and replace all the necessary info Partition name, source vieew/table, slice, aggregations. I have found it much easier and faster to clone and update info then totally creating new ones.

&quot;Shoot Me! Shoot Me NOW!!!&quot;
- Daffy Duck
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Part and Inventory Search

