When I try connecting to a database with a login program, I receive the following error:
Error (424) in Microsoft VBScript runtime error Object required
Here's the code I used:
Error (424) in Microsoft VBScript runtime error Object required
Here's the code I used:
<%@LANGUAGE = VBScript %>
Option Explicit
Dim connection, rs
On Error Resume Next
Session( "errorString" ) = ""
Set connection = Server.CreateObject( "ADODB.Connection" )
connection.provider = "Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0"
connection.Open "C:\Inetpub\[URL unfurl="true"]wwwroot\currentdatabase.mdb"[/URL]
Call errorHandlerLog()
Set rs = Server.CreatObject( "ADODB.Recordset" )
Set Session( "rs" ) = rs
dim username
dim password
username = request.QueryString("username")
password = request.queryString("password")
query = "select * from LoginData where username ='" & username & "'" & " AND password ='" & password & "'"
rs.source = query
Call errorHandlerLog()
Sub errorHandlerLog()
If Err.Number <> 0 Then
Dim errorString
errorString = Session( "errorString" )
errorString = errorString & "<p class = " & Chr( 34 ) & "error" & Chr ( 34 ) & ">Error (" & Err.Number & ") in " & Err.source & "<br />" & Err. Description & "</p><br />"
Session( "errorString" ) = errorString
if rs.eof and rs.bof then
response.write("Incorrect Username or Password")
end if
End If
End Sub
<% @Language = VBScript %>
<% option explicit
Session( "query" ) = "SELECT username FROM loginData"
Call Server.Execute( "database.asp" )
<title>Login Page</title>
hr { size: 1 ; color:blue }
p { font-family:arial ; font-size: 14pt ; color:blue }
table { text-align:center }
td { font-size:12pt }
.font { font-family: arial }
.error { color: red }
<POSITION: absolute; TOP: 0px div align="left" a href="#"></a><img src="image004.png" name=image" width="378" height="104" border="0" align="left"><br>
<POSITION: absolute; TOP: 0px div align="right" a href="#"><img src=image004a.png width="595" height="35"></p>
If Session( "errorString" ) = "" Then
If session( "loginFailure" ) = True Then
class = "error">Login attempt failed, please try again
End If
'begin the form
Please select your name and enter your password to login:
<br />
<form action = "submitlogin.asp" method = "post">
<table border = "0">
<select name = "username">
<option value = "noSelection">
Select your name
If Request.Cookies( "username" ) <> "" Then
Call BuildReturning()
Call BuildNewUser()
End If
<input type = "password" name = "password" />
<td align = "left">
<input type = "submit" value = "Log Me In" />
Call Response.Write( Session( "errorString" ))
End If
Sub BuildReturning()
Dim found, loginData
Set loginData = Session( "loginData" )
found = false
while Not loginData.EOF
' create this record's dropdown entry
' If we did not write selected for any option before
If (Not found ) Then
' if the current record's username is equal to the username cookie, then it is
' the username of the returning user, and thus we need to write selected for this
' option; in this case we also need to signal that we have written selected for an
' option by setting setting found to True.
If Request.Cookies( "username" ) = loginData( "username" ) Then
Call Response.Write( "selected = " & Chr(34 ) & "selected" & Chr( 34 ) )
found = True
End If
End If
<option Value ="<% =loginData( "username" ) %>">
<% = loginData( "username" ) %></option>
Call loginData.MoveNext()
End Sub
' builds the option items for usernames without writing selected for any username
Sub BuildNewUser()
Dim loginData
Set loginData = Session( "loginData" )
' pull user names from the record set to populate the dropdown list
while Not loginData.EOF
'create this record's dropdown entry
<option value ="<% =loginData( "username" ) %>">
<% =loginData( "username" ) %>
Call loginData.MoveNext()
End Sub