Technical User
I am in the process of setting up a computer for my girlfriend. As far as specs, its an AMD 650 from '00. I took my spare 60g hard drive to use in it, and I've had nothing but problems ever since. The BIOS identifies the disk fine. I went to install windows and everything went swimmingly, until after it copied over the files and rebooted to enter the installation phase of setup, when it boots off the hard drive. At that point it waited a bit then said "Error loading operating system" ever since that point I've been nothing but frustrated. I just cannot get the computer to boot off the hard drive. I can use the hard drive perfectly fine, it was my secondary drive for a while and it still works in my own computer. I havent tried booting off of it yet, but i suspect the issue is with the drive and not the motherboard because it has no problems booting from a cd drive or a smaller (500mb) hard drive. I even tried installing windows on another machine and then throwing it into the computer in question and it still doesn't boot. I went into the recovery console on the setup disk and did fixmbr and it still wont boot. I then tried fiddling in knoppix and the drive isnt auto mounted like other drives do in knoppix (im fairly novice in linux so bare with me) I eventually was able to mount it myself, but that was after i repartitioned the drive in linux too. I can't seem to mount it fresh off the windows install (well, the point where windows copies all the files from the cd drive to the hard drive) and also, I get errors in linux when i do "dmesg"; it says "hda: status error: status=0x58 { DriveReady SeekComplete DataRequest } hda: drive not ready for command" I looked this error up on the net and it seems fairly generic, spanning from cd drives to compact flash cards.
Please, is there anything anyone can think of that I can do to make this work? This is the only hard drive I have to use in this computer and I feel bad because my girlfriend spent money to buy a power supply and now she doesn't have a computer to use to show for that money.
Please, is there anything anyone can think of that I can do to make this work? This is the only hard drive I have to use in this computer and I feel bad because my girlfriend spent money to buy a power supply and now she doesn't have a computer to use to show for that money.